A Princess and a Dragon part 1

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Lucy was walking through the forest with her two closest friends, Erza, the head of her security, and Levy, her lady in waiting. As they approached the edge of the trees, a shadow passed over their path, a big shadow. It passed quickly, but it gave the Princess a shiver down her spine.
"What was that?" She asked.
Erza pulled out her sword as they continued, now in silence to the castle. As they walked through the town of Magnolia surrounding the castle, they noticed everyone had gone inside. They hurried up the front steps to the castle doors, but Lucy stopped. To her left was a noise like someone limping through the courtyard. She turned and saw a boy with pink hair clutching his side sliding down the wall, his eyes shut in pain.
"Erza!" She called running to him. "Levy, call for help!"
Levy ran inside, yelling for anyone to help them while Erza went to Lucy's side. The boy looked up, sitting at the sun freaking Lucy's face. "Wha-"
He couldn't seem to find what he wanted to ask. His head slumped forward abd he feel into Lucy's arms.
"Umm, Erza. Little help?"
The guards carried the boy inside with Lucy right behind them. By the time the physician had attended to his wound, a large cut in his side, it was dark out and the king had been notified that he was being taken care of. Lucy's father refused to let her inside until he was awake again.
"But I'm the one who found him!"
"Princess, maybe your father is right. You get yourself to bed for now and we'll come see him in the morning." Levy winked as they left and casually dropped her scarf to stop the door as they left.
Once the king had gone, Levy and Lucy returned. Lucy brushed his hair off his forehead that was beaded with sweat like he was getting a fever. She grabbed a wet cloth from a bucket on the floor and laid it on him. His eyes shot open and he grabbed her wrist.
"Hey, it's okay. You're okay. I promise." He stared at her face for a minute before nodding. "I'm Lucy." She said softly.
"Rest then, Natsu." He nodded again and fell back on the bed. Once his hand went slack on her wrist, Lucy stood. "Let's go before anyone comes to check on him."
Levy and Lucy returned to their rooms, but the princess could not sleep. She couldn't forget about the boy.

In the morning, Lucy woke but did not feel will rested. She dressed quickly and meet Levy in the hall outside Natsu's room. She knocked and smiled as she heard him sir inside. The physician opened the door and booed to get as he said that he'd made a large step toward recovery overnight.
Natsu was sitting up, the only thing covering the top half of him were bandages stealing around the lower half of his abdomen. Levy ducked her head and waited outside with a small smile at the way Lucy blushed.
"So I didn't imagine you." Natsu said once he'd caught sight of her.
"Nope. I'm real." She mentally hit herself. "You seem to have healed quickly."
"I have." He smiled slightly. "Thanks to you."
"How did you come by that wound? And to this kingdom?"
"I don't even know where this kingdom it's. I don't have much memory of setting foot here." He pulled on a shirt and stood. "Do you happen to know the king then?"
Lucy nodded and laughed hesitantly. "Yes I do. I am his daughter."
Natsu's eyes widened and he looked around like someone would tell him what to do now. "Oh um uh-" he made a sloppy attempt at a bow. "My bad."
Lucy giggled. "It's alright, really. I'll take you to my father if it is he you wish to speak with."
Natsu nodded with a relieved smile.

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