Chapter 1

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Art by luciasatalina
Chapter published on March 26th 2021

Natsu's POV

I stared at Luce and her beautiful blonde hair. She was smiling and laughing at something Levy said. The two girls were sitting across from me at a table in the guild hall. Happy was beside me, chowing on a fish and listening to the girls.

It was just a normal day for everyone at the Fairy Tail guild. Some folks were looking at the request board for a job and others were just relaxing at the bar, indulging themselves on food and drinks.

"Ahhh" I sighed, a happy little grin on my face. Lucy glanced up at me when she heard my sigh.

"What is it Natsu?" She was so beautiful, I couldn't help but stare a little.

"Nothing, Luce. I was just thinking about how much this guild means to me and how happy it is."

Little did I know that all that happiness would be destroyed by the end of the night.


"Hey Natsu" someone was shaking me. "Natsu can you wake up?"

"Hmmm" I groggily replied. I looked up to see who was shaking me. I could feel a string of drool running down my arm and Happy's fuzzy tail resting on my forehead.

"Natsu, it's me, Lucy. I'm going to go out for a little bit and I think you and Happy should head back home." She paused for a moment before looking back at me. "Actually if you want you two can just relax at my place till I get back." She smiled brightly.

What is this? Lucy suggesting I go home? Lucy saying that I can hang out at her place while she's out and about? Something's fishy and it's not the half eaten fish in my sleeping, fuzzy friends paws.

"Oh uh, sure Luce I'll go hang out there till you get back." I gave her my best Natsu, big bright smile but on the inside I was thoroughly confused.

I picked up Happy and started to walk towards the big guild doors. Lucy was in front of me, her keys swaying with each step as her hips moved side to side. Oh wow, I thought, she's so hot.

Suddenly I felt a smack on my head and could smell fish. Happy was giving me a stern look and he had the audacity to hit me with his fish.

"You're staring too much Natsu, chill out." I just sneered at him and looked away. He shouldn't be telling me I'm staring too much. Silly cat.

"Alright you two," Lucy said as she turned around to look at us. "I'll be back in a few hours, I'm sure you guys can manage to get into my house through the window?"

"Yeah we should be able to get in, but say Luce, why can't we come with you?" I asked, just as her face turned bright right.

"I, uh, well," her stuttering was cute, "I want some time to myself is all." I looked down sad, why does she want time alone? Did I upset her?

She must have noticed my sad expression because she put her hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way.

"Hey it's nothing to do with you Natsu, sometimes we girls, and even you guys, just need a little time to ourselves that's all." Oh fwew I didn't upset her. I smiled brightly and took off with Happy towards Lucy's apartment.

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