Chapter 15

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Chapter published on May 9th 2021
Happy mother's day!

Lucy's POV

Natsu was wide eyed and staring at some rock. He looked as if he had just seen the impossible and I think he might have seen just that.

"Natsu, are you ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder, but instead of looking back at me his eyes instantly locked onto the old store clerk.

"What is this?" He questioned the old man. The man chuckled and walked over to us. He examined the stone and then smiled at Natsu.

"This, my boy, is the Seeker Stone. When touched it will show you where you want to be the most."

"But I didn't touch it, I just touched the glass, and it showed me the guild hall." Natsu stammered.

"I know," he old man paused, "but it seems that your desire to be with your guild is incredibly strong."

Natsu stared blankly for a minute, just looking at the stone. I didn't realize how badly he wanted to go home.

"How much is it?" Natsu looked at the man now.

"It's 10,000 jewel." I took in a sharp breath. Yes it was doable in this town but how long would it take? I mean we could work our butts off and it would still take forever. "Oh, and rumor has it that if your connection to that place is strong enough the rock will take you there." With that the old man left.

Natsu looked at me with a gleam in his eyes.

"Luce, we've got to get this! It might be our only chance to get home."

"Ok, and what if it doesn't work? What if we get it and then find out the rumor was simply a rumor?"

"Pleaseeeeee." He begged. He was giving me the largest puppy dog eyes ever.

"Let's talk about this outside the store." We walked out of the shop and sat on a nearby bench. "Listen Natsu, if you really think this thing will work then we can aim for it. However we can't give him all of the money we have. I would appreciate not eating the same thing each day and I could also use more clothes. If you truly want this let's make a compromise. We will both work jobs around here. The money you earn will go to the rock, and the money I earn will go to things like food and clothes and whatever we need to fix up our house."

"I like that plan," he nodded, "there's still plenty of day left. Let me give that guy some kind of downpayment right now so he can hold the rock for us. Then I'll go back to town hall and pick up more jobs I can do before the end of the day."

"That sounds good. I'll come back in the shop with you, I have one more question for them." We headed back inside only to be met with the young woman and not the old man. I asked her where he went but she just said he was busy. Natsu used the rest of his 450 jewel to put a downpayment on the rock.

"Excuse me," I caught the attention of the young girl, "what do you know about a house in the woods just west of here, about a 30 minute walk out?"

"Ah, that was old Mr and Mrs River. They lived there for many, many years before they passed. I do believe Mrs. River said that before long new residents would move in and be able to call it they're home too." She smiled like she was reminiscing about them. It seemed Mrs. River new Natsu and I would come along a few years later.

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