This Test/ She's Alive

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Chapter  24

Sammy's POV

This test was easy, I could fly right through it, I  mean if I could get Kathy and Laney on my mind. I mean me and Kathy grew closer as friends, bestfriends actually. All 6 of us.  Laney, Jade, Kathy, Josh, Chase and me . We grew as a click actually, that's why I was hoping that nothing serious was wrong with Kathy. Laney and Jade would have a mental break down, and Josh he would just be broken.  When I finally got the whole situation out of my head, I focused and checked myself out of school. I had to lie, and said I had a doctors appointment.  Time I got out of the school, I dialed Laney's number.

"Hey babe, what's going on?"  Her voice sounded tired, and dry.

"Stress, and she found away to 'overdose' on alcohol and pills."

"Man! Why?"

"Her parents, their situation."

"I'm sorry," I had nothing else to say, I couldn't stop wondering why she would do that. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, just hungry and sleepy." she said with a little laugh.

"The worse combination! But I got you."

"What do you mean?"

"Just lay back, I'll be there soon."

"Bye Sammy." she said with a yawn. 


Jade's POV 

I sat there in class wondering, Chase kept glancing over me with a concerned look on his face. I couldn't stop tinking about Kathy and what was wrong with her. I didn't go to the hospital because I wasn't ready to see her like that. But I couldn't avoid this forever. I decided I would check out after 5th period. And make Chase come with me. 


Laney's Pov 

I couldn't drift into a sleep, I kept looking over at Kathy. I tried to move over to the very uncomfortable couch, but I kept looking over at her.

Josh's head hung low in his arm while holding Kathy's hand. Hee had so much sadness in his eyes, when we talked the conversation would quickly get silent. It satyed this way for the next 2 hours. Hospitals always brought out the worst in me, I didn't talk, I cried, and other stuff that I didn't like. When the door swung open Sammy came in holding my favorite in his hands. Canes.

"Here you go." he handed me the bag with a forced smile. Then walked over to Josh and put his hand on his shoulder. "She'll be okay buddy." 

"Thanks Sammy." Josh said with a slight smile, I wasn't even expecting him to even speak, his girlfriend was laying there lifeless with tubes stuck every where. Then Sammy came to sit next to me. 

"How are you?" he kissed my cheek and started eating. 

"Well, just sleepy now." I looked down at my plate, which now had only 3 chicken strips left. "I'll eat the rest later." I handed Sammy my box and he sat it on the near-by tray. I laid down on Sammy's lap and drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up to a napkin stuck to my face. "What the-"

"Hey sleepy head." I heard a familiar voice basically scream at me. I realized I was still laying there on the hard couch. I looked around and the light hurt my eyes. Jade and Chase had finally arrived. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.  I still didn't knwow who was talking to me.

"HELLO!" the voice screamed at me again, "I'm woke!" I looked over at Kathy with a big smile on her face. 

"KAY ! YOUR ALIVE!'' I said running over to give her the tightest hug ever. I heard her sweet laugh.

"I won't be if you don't release me." Josh had a look of relief on his face, and he looked happy. 

"Oh my God ! Were gonna fight when you get well!" I laughed. 

"I'm gonna help you!" joined Jade. "Hey guys can you leave?"

"But-" Josh was about to begin speaking when Jade cut him off.


"Why-" Sammy began trying to have Josh's back. Then Jade pointed to the door.

Chase didn't even dare to have to speak, as they all walked outside.

"How long have you been woke?" I asked her.

"The question is, how long have you been sleep." Jade looked at me .

"I've been woke for and hour almost." said Kathy. "I really didn't mean to scare you guys like that, I was going through so much. When the doctor told me he found pills and alcohol in my system, with stress on top of that. I scared  myself. I'm  so sorry you guys."

"Don't be, don't worry yourself. Please."

"The doctor prescribed me some medicine to relax me, and I have to be on some medicines for a week to make sure evey things out of me."

"When can you come home?"

"Tonight, I just have to be monitored. They called my parents, and they're on their way back here. I don't want to see them, at all! I'm staying at Josh's, his parents won't be back till Christmas eve."

"That's bad advice, to run away from your problems, but now you have to." Jade said, and Kathy laughed.

"I'm not running away from my problems, I just need to be comforted."

"Well dear. Call me if you come home, Chase can't be at home forever alone. It's been an hour, I have to go."

"I would pill the napkin off you face first." Jade laughed.

"Thanks, Bye girls."


"Bye plum butt, tell the guys they can some back now." said Kathy eyeing Jade. When I left out of the room, the guys were all sitting there talking.

"She will see you now!" I said in a prefessional voice. 

"Thanks Sammy, thanks Kathy, thanks Chase! Thank you everybody!" Josh had a big smile and hugged everyone like a maniac, and then ran into the room.

"Where you going?"

"It's 5:00 p.m, Chance can't stay home alone forever."

"Okay dear, lemme walk you to you car."


"I'll be right back, I'm about to  go say bye."

"Okay!" I waited about 5 minutes, before he came out handing me my leftovers. "Thanks, I knew I left something, how could I forget my food." I laughed. When we walked out of the building, he walked me across the street to my car.

"Bye babe, my parents are back, I'll call you."

"Okay." I smiled at him, and he gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. When I was about to pull off, my phone rung, it was Chance.

"Where are you?"

"Leaving the hospital, i'll explain when I get home." 

"Okay! Pick me up some Taco Bell while your over that way. I'll pay you back, You know what I want."

"No, you don't have to, and okay I got ya ! Bye"

"Bye hurry!" I wondered did this dude ever get tired of the same meal everytime we came to Taco Bell. 

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