And Were Having

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Chapter 39

*Monday of Next Week*

(Kathy's POV )

I really can't believe Chase and Brittney would do something like that to Jade. We've concluded they're both terrible people. Once your on Jade's bad list, she's nit forgiving you. But she was happy with hanging out with Andy. . . and oddly he hadn't been with any other girls. So that's kind if strange, but who cares! I'm really glad she's happy.

"You ready?" Josh's voice interrupted my thoughts. I had just realized that I'd been sitting staring, silently.

"What. Oh Yeah. Lets go!" I said standing. Josh laughed and grabbed by hand. We were going to see what were having. I'm excited, and scared. Shocked mostly. I keep having thoughts, but they're not bad thoughts, it's worries. I'm worried I won't be a good mother, I'll screw up, Josh will hate me, and child birth is gonna be painful. Well, I mean I guess it is bad thoughts huh?

"So you scared?" Josh said as we parked at the doctors office.

"Umm. . . I don't know."

"Why not dear." he said getting out the car, and walking over to my side. When he opened the door the conversation had began again.

"Umm. . . I don't know."

"Wow. Look, I love you, don't be nervous." he kissed my lips making me smile. And we walked into the doctors office.

It was at least 30 minutes before we got called to the back. I guess it was good we called in to make an appointment.

"Hey doctor."

"Hello Kathy. I'm so sorry for the mix up again."

"I know. It wasn't your fault. I just really wanna know what I'm having." I said smiling.

After through doctor put the jelly crap on my belly, he told me he would be back.

"I'm scared." I whispered to Josh.

"Awe, here we go again. . . " Josh let out a small chuckle, and walked towards me. "Don't be, cause baby I'm here." he smiled and gave me a huge hug.

We sat in comfortable silence. 20 minutes later, the D's doctor walled back in.

"I have your information, you two are having twins." he simply stated with a smile.

"Woah! " Excitement ran all over Josh's face.

"Would you like to know the sex now or later?"

"RIGHT NOW. " Josh screamed accidentally.

"Baby, calm down." I laughed. He sat down quickly and looked at the looked at the doctor.

"I'm sorry." he said still smiling.

"Your having two boys!" Josh's mouth opened and his he jumped up like a crazy man.

"Thank You doctor." I walked out laughing, and trying to catch a screaming Josh. When we got in the elevator Josh picked me up and kissed me happily.

"I can't believe it." I said stunned.

"Nobody will baby." he said still smiling at me.

We made our way to our to the car and headed over to Laney's house. Her parents let us in, and we both ran up to Laney's room, bursting in to her door. Gosh what a sight we saw.

"Interrupting something?" Sammy and Lane sat up quickly and fixed there clothes.

"Sure." Lane finally spoke.

"You do know your parents are here right?"

"Oh. Yeah I think. . . Umm. Anyways what's going on love birds."

I flopped down on her bed and smiled at them both.

"I'm having twins!"

"Omg! Awesome!!!" Lane screamed hugging me tightly.

The word spread quickly, and I was actually happy, and not nervous for the fist time.

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