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Hey, re-wrote the epilogue it sucked so bad.

Epilogue. . . ( 5 Years Later)

Kathy's POV

"Oh my gosh," I yelled, "Your gonna hit you you head!" I ran quickly scooping Hayden off the ground. Hayden was very hyper. Therefore he was Laney's godchild. Hunter was sleeping at the time, as Hayden was supposed to be doing. I heard a knock at the door, and I knew it wasn't Josh, he was at some kind of. . . thing. I threw Hayden over my shoulders and walked to the door, it was Laney.

"Hey there big guy!" she noticed Hayden before she even acknowledged me. "Oh Hey to you too." she laughed.

She lifted Hayden from my back, and we all sat down on the couch. Sammy and Laney were surprisingly, well not really, but they're still together. They've been together forever, I don't know why they just won't get married.

"So what are you doing out and about."

"Errands, interviews, shopping, the usual."

"Of course." I said rolling my eyes, "Your always up to something."

Laney's phone started to play I Got The Magic In Me.

She answered it me silencing me with her hand. Then she hung up and smiled.

"Thought I would visit for a minute, got lunch with Sammy in 15 minutes." She got up and hugged Hayden, just as Hunter came stumbling from downstairs. He ran tackling Laney with a huge hug. Just as Josh walked into the house, both the boys turned towards him in fighting positions. The disadvantage of living with 3 guys, it's always gonna be fighting.

"Well don't hurt him to bad partners, goodbye soldiers!" Laney said before stomping out the house.

Thats one thing I really do miss about high school, I always got time hang out with Laney and Jade a lot! They were in walking distance, now everything's different, way different. But I do have my my wonderful family, so now I'm learning. Every negative, comes with a great positive for me.


( Laney's POV )

I was driving to the restaurant Sammy and I were having lunch. And heard my phone ring again.


"Kathy?" the voice said questioningly, "Laney?"

"Yeah." I responded.

"O-M-G! Hey you guys, the life is hard!" Jade said laughing lightly.

"Awe you okay hun?" Kathy said sympathetically.

"You don't like it?" I asked sitting at a red light.

"Of course I like it. . . the works just really hard to become a lawyer. But California's great. " she said in a weird voice, making Kathy laugh a little.

"Well you signed up for it." Kathy laughed again.

"Well at least I got my bestfriend here with me." she said thankful to have Andy with her.

"Your lover, friends, FWB." I said laughing a little. "Yeah call him whatever you please though." I honestly don't know what Jade and Andy are.

"Ah .... whatever." she sighed, "if he wasn't here I'd officially go crazy." I heard someone in the pack screaming hot pockets.

"Really?" Kathy asked.

"Yeap" she answered giggling.

"So What's up with the baby's? " she asked Kathy.

"Hayden is still over active, and Hunter. . . is too calm sometimes." she paused, "Sometimes it like he's high."

"Wow. And my buddy Chance?"

"He's doing great, got him another girl, emphasis on another."I laughed.

"Who knew the little science geek could become a hot man-whore!" Jade exclaimed

"Omg, I knew you always had a crush on my brother. Your disgusting." Kathy laughed and so did I.

"I mean, I'm not that old yet," she joked, "But I could never like your brother. That would be icky, plus considering all the girls he's been through, errr yeah, no."

"I don't even wanna THINK about my brother and that... " I pulled up to the restaurant and parked. I laid back in my seat just talking.

"UGH, study group." Jade complained. "Have a great class tonight, and Laney, do what you do and help kids. Love you, byeee." she made kissy noises through the phone. I smiled as the lines discontented all of us. We may be far apart, have hardly no time for each other and have short, but interesting conversations. It felt as if I was holding back tears, joy, happiness, sadness, in a mixture of one thinking about this. But when that phone call disconnected the three of us, it brought back memories, and I knew those two would never, ever, be disconnected from my heart.

The official happy ending ♡

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