Graduation (cont.)

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Chapter 43

(Laney's POV)

School was amazing today, and Kathy even showed up. I'm so glad nobody judged her, except the 'mean ones.' Therefore Andy had to hold Jade back from punching one girl in her face. Kathy ignored their stupid comments.

"Today was ahhhmazing!" I smiled, basically screaming in his face.

"I know."

"Why'd you offer to get ready here with me?"

"I honestly don't wanna be home. My mom is forcing my brother to come to my graduation."

"Sucks." I said pushing my door open. No one was home but Dad.

"Mom went to pick up Chance," he didn't turn his gaze from the television, "Hey Sammy."

"Hey there Mr. Glibert." God he said that awkwardly, or either it was just me, I don't like silence.

"Hey too you to dad!" I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.

Sammy followed and once I went into the bathroom to change my dress. When I was about to walk out to get help with my zipper I heard a thud and then laughter.

"What's going on-" I stopped short to see Sammy laying on the floor half way dressed and Chance in the door way laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as he rolled under my bed with a grunt.

"He scared me." he said from under my bed. You would swear these two knew each other forever.

I walked out the room and downstairs.

"I need your help with my zipper. Are you still gonna help me with my hair? How do I know my heels are strong? Mom, what if they break on stage!?!" my eyes were wide with worry by now.

"Honey! Breath. Turn around, I will help you with you hair, go get a cover so your dress want get hair on it, and your heels are not gonna break!" she took a breath.

"Mom, calm down, it's not your graduation." she shot me an impatient smile, "Okay honey, shoo shoo."

It was almost time to go, we had to be there by 6:45 . My mom did the whole picture deal. When we were done, Chance and Sam were the first ones to the truck. Sammy and I drove ourselves, mom said she had to go get some things.

My body was filled with happiness, and butterflies. No matter how happy I was I kept thinking about my future.

Where was I going after this?

What's gonna happen with by friends?

What's gonna happen with my brother? He has nobody but me sometimes.

I was staring out the window, with my lips pressed together. I looked over at Sammy, and another question popped in my head. The same one thats been popping into my head.

Is Sammy still gonna be here?

He looked over at me and then back and the road. The whole ride to the school, was quiet, mind clearing, so not awkward, mostly because Sammy held my hand the whole way there.


The names were begging to call, and they were being called at a pretty nice pace. Kathy lost valedvictorian by a couple of points on finals. But she still graduated top of the class. Along with Jade and I. I was number 5 though. Josh, being the dumbass he is, walks on stage and trips, he didn't completely fall, but he was close to it. He shot everyone that gorgeous smile of his, and it never happened to the girls. He ran across stage screaming 'I DID IT!!' LANEYYYYY I DID IT!' I tutored Josh in a lot of things, mostly because I was the only one who had the patience.

Kathy took a beautiful graduation picture with her hand caressing her huge belly.

And the end, parents hugged, Kathy cried, and pictures were took, and we went to eat.

At dinner Josh did the most sweetest thing, and proposed to Kathy. Which made her cry more.

After that, I finally met Sammy's parents. They were really nice, and I see why he didn't like his brother.

We went to Kathy's house and had just a little gathering.

Around 12 midnight, me and Sammy went back to my house trying not time wake anyone up. We seen that my parents had crashed on the couch.

I slipped on some Pj's and a tank top. And so did Sammy.

Sammy laid beside me. He interlinked our fingers and rolled over to face me.

"You think your worried?..." his words trailed off.

"What do you mean?"

"Your making me seem like I'm.... just gonna leave you in the dirt, and kick rocks in your face." he chuckled a bit. But he was serious at the same time, and he had a point. "And it could just be reversed." But I would never hurt him that way.

"I would never do that."

"Me either." he said softly, "Laney, I love you."

"I love you too." I found myself coming to tears for some reason. I've never been with someone who could express their feelings to me, and that could care for me like he does.

"Awe! Don't cry you big wimp." he laughed, pulling me into his chest. I wiped my face, and snuggled closer to his chest. Now above all, this was the best sleep I've had so far. He kissed my head, and I drifted into the most peaceful sleep ever, in the arms of the one I love and care about.

But most of all . . . then and there I knew I had my happy ending.


Everyone Deserves a Happy EndingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin