I Need You

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Chapter 25

Kathy's POV

I couldn't blame anyone for what happened , only myself. I stressed myself out over my parents, I'm just glad that I wasn't pregnant. Now I couldn't face my parents, I was embarassed and I just didn't need to talk to anyone right now. The only person I wanted to talk to, touch, and breathe his air, was Josh. When Josh returned from walking everyone out, we were all alone. He sat down on the end of my bed and rubbed on my legs.

"I'm so glad your okay."

"Josh, look , I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put anyone through this. I can't blame anyone for what I did, I don't know what came over me. I was home alone," tears started to stream down my face and it goot harder for me to talk.. "I-I-I, I didn't know. I'm sorry." Josh hurried to the other end of my bed where I was and wrapped me tight in his arms.

"Baby, please stop crying. No need for that, we have to get you better, not make you feel worse." I wiped my face off, and pulled myself together.

"I know, I know, Josh that's why I need you."

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere till you leave." he kissed my forehead. And we laid there in silence until the doctor walked in with a smile. He told me I could go home tonight, I just had to sign myself out, and get my pescriptions.

When I sighned out and got dressed, Josh took me to get my medication and what not. It was 7:24 p.m and I had to get home and get some things before my parents showed up. When me and Josh walked in the house, my parents were sitting there at the table. My heart started beating faster, and faster by the second.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs Smith." Josh said breaking the silence. I know it bothered my mother to be called her married name.

"Hello Josh." my mother said dryly.

"Hi son." said my father. I just stood there, and deciding I wasn't going to say anything I pulled Josh upstairs into my bedroom. I started packing as fast as I could. When I heard a voice at my door.

"Kathy, we have to talk." my mother's voice came stern and strict.

"Not now." I finally brought myself to speak.

"You can't keep running honey."

"Mom I'm not running! I'm trying to relax! " She wass silent for a minunte.

"Sweetie please just talk to me."

"MOM! I said not now, are trying to put me back in the hospital?!" I voice was louder than usual, in a yell really.

"Bridget, leave her alone, give her some time."

"Robert! Don't tell me what to do with my child." I got my backpack for school in the morning, and the rest of my clothes. While I was getting some other stuff that I needed, my parents were fighting right there in front of me. For crying out loud, I jst got out the hospital for stress, and they're pulling this stunt. Josh came and gripped my hand.

"Ready to go sweetness?" he asked with the most sincere smile ever,

"Yes, please!" my head was beginning to pound, and when Josh touched me he made me feel better. We tried to walk past my arguing parents, but they were standing infront of the staircase.

"Excuse me, where do you think your going?" my mother put her hand infront of my dad's face to silence him.

"Please mom, leave me alone!"

"Your my daughter, I have a right to know where your going!" she was taking all her anger out on me, for what reason!? My face turned red and I just wanted to hit my mom.

"As far away from you as I can get!" my dad stayed quiet.

"And where is that, your're definitely not staying with some boy!" she eyed Josh with her evil eyes. She's known Josh for what seems like forever, and he's some boy now?

"Whatever dad please!"

"Bridget let her go." he said lightly, "I'm leaving now too. You need to calm your nerves and quit acting like a crazy bitch!"

"How dare you?" my mother looked shocked as my everyone started walking down the stairs. My mom was left at the top of the staircase, angry and crying. I didn't feel sorry for her at all. I waved my hand to my dad, as he got in his car and pulled off.

"So i'm some boy now?" Josh laughed. He always knew how to make me laugh, and that's why I loved him. "I guess so." I laughed back.

"Okay, fine then." he cried playfully.

"Gosh your dumb!" When we pulled up to Josh's house, he grabbed my backpack and we walked up the driveway, and soon in his room.

"Where are your parents?"

"Where Laney's are I guess."

"When will they be back?"

"Well I dont' know, don't care either." he said flopping down next to me.

"What about Christmas?"

"I have you, and other friends." I changed the subject.

"I need a shower!" he ran to his bathroom and threw towels on the cabinet.

"There you go!"

I went into the bathroom and I let the hot water hit my body. I felt relaxed, and calm. I seemed to forget about what just happened with my parents. I just knew I had protection tonight, and the thought of it made me smile. When I heard the door open I jumped when the cold air found its way to hit me.

"Sorry , parents had no towels in their bathroom."

When I got out the tub, which was 30 minutes later. I stepped out the bathroom with my blue fluffy pants and a red tank top.

"You take very long showers." Josh was laying in his bed shirtless,with pair of black gym shorts on, on his phone.

"I do, and I needed one." I layed there next to him being nosy. "Who ya talking to?"

"My mother if you must know."

"You text your mom?"

"If I called her she would talk me to death." he laughed. He throwed down his phone and pulled me me down on my back by my legs and tickled me like I was 5! He made me feel childish, and I liked it. Soon enough he was on top of me, and when our lips connected it was like pure pleasure. I felt like I didn't need anyone else in this world right now but Josh. He made me feel better, and safe. I was definitely relaxed tonight.

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