Tears to Come

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                                                                              Chapter #9

                                                                           Tears to Come

Wait - what? Murders? Homicide?

"What? I didn't kill anyone!"

"Really? Then Albert Alvarez isn't dead?"


"He died from severe brain damage and bone injuries earlier this week."

"Brain damage?" The bruise on his head, it must have caused his brain to swell, I thought.

"Or Alicia Alvarez isn't hospitalized?"

"Sir, I didn't know. I thought that it would only be headaches afterwards, not death."

"Yes, well, what you did is called a hit-and-run. Only that in this case, you didn't hit them with a car, but you still ran away." I couldn't find my voice, and felt hot tears about to spill over. My throat felt dry, and I knew what was coming. Something that hasn't happened for almost a year now. Something that I supposedly have too much 'pride' for, but really, I'm the softest person alive, thinking I'm strong. Holy crap, I'm an an assasin. I'm a heartless person that kills her own parents, for revenge. 2 attempted murders... wait, 2?

"I, uh, this, um, i didn't," I sighed. I took in a shaky one, than tried again. I only have 2 parents. how do I have 2 attempted murders and one homicide?"

"Yes, well, are you forgetting your Grandfather? The one you left dieing on the floor of Captain Alvarez's office, remember that?" Slowly, but surely the events of that night came into place, and I remember feeling my Grandpa start to go limb under my pounding fists. I couldn't think of anything to go in my deffence, so I tore my eyes from the polices' eyes, and whispered something I never would have said with-out a fight.

"Take me." I heard Nick gasp, and saw the cop smile. I turned my head to the side, where Nick was, and my jaw trembled when I saw his eyes, his sad eyes, but a million messages ran in between us with-out even opening our mouths.

Trust me.

I do, but are you sure?

Yes, don't worry.



Gracie... I love you.

...I love you too.

I'm never going to stop protecting you, Gracie. Never.


"Come on, time to take you to your cells."

"Cells?" I was still a little dazed from being broken from our intense gaze, ans the word cells caught me off guard.

"Yeah, so you think that these two are getting off the hook?" I felt another lump grow big and deep in my throat. "Ha, no ma'am, these are going to trial just like you are." Trial. I still have a chance. I just have to proove that I had reason. A reason that makes sense more than the one they made up.

"Do we get a layer?"

"No, you get clowns. Of course you three get layers."

"Wait, we only need one." Alex finally woke up from his exploration in space.

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