Hide and Go Seek

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                                                                  Chapter #13

                                                             Hide and Go Seek


The phone rung in a high pitch, exploding my eardrums that were so used to the silenced atmosphere. At first, I didn't realize what, or who, was hugging me tightly aound the waist, until I remembered.

A smile came across my lips as I thought about everything that happened before my little day nap. I slowly turned around, and came face to face with Nick. He breathed in and out, in and out. Almost sounded like a snore. It was the second time that I slept with Nick hugging my waist tightly. I started caressing one of his cheekbones when the phone rang again.

Grudgingly, I tried to get up, but, finding that impossible with Nicks strong grip, I scooched over, near the nightstand.

"Hello?" No one replied, and I repeated that a few more times. Just as I was about to hang up, the person spoke.

A victorious, mocking laughter filled the phone receiver, and quickly anger did the same with me. Whatever she wanted, she obviously got it. "Feeling a little trapped, cousin?"

"What do you want, Yolie? Oh wait, that's right- that's not your real name. It's Yolanda."

"Shut up!"

"What? What did I say?" I tried to sound like a guilty little kid acting innocent.

"Listen here if you really love your grandmother." I could here that tone that people sometimes get- all business, yet victorious. My eyes went wide, and I started trembling. "If you find the very few clues I left behind, I let her live. But there are three things. One- you must call for me to be able to give you your time. Two- the clues are very well hidden. Three- I'll be watching you." She whispered the last one, and hung up.

Anger filled  me- anger of how I can't do anything until the two months are up. Anger of the way I felt vulnerable- the she made me feel vulnerable. It was too much anger for me to be able to handle, and I tried to breath deeply- but that made it worse. I started to shave,and my vission blurred. Quickly, I tried to get out of Nick's grip, but the fact that he wouldn't let me go made me freak out all the more. I was shaking all over, and my vission blurred more and more.

Nick, let go! Let me go! I thought these words, and- without realizing- screamed them as loud as possible. Nick sprang up and out of the bed.

"What the hell?" He loked pissed. I felt a tear fall down my cheek, and raked my hand over it to clean it off.

"Just leave." It was a barely a whisper, but I found it too loud.

"No." He looked confused as to why I began crying.

"Fine. Then I'll leave" I began to make my way around the bed to the door when Nick grabbed my shoulders.

"Gracie- you are not leaving until you tell me what the heck happened. I know you enough to know that you aren't sad.

"Well then," I began to raise my voice. "Do you know me enough to know that right now I want to be alone? Huh? What's that? a 'no'? Well, now you do." Nick didn't get go. "Nick, let me go."

"No!" I locked my jaw, and in one swift movement, I punched Nick. Straight on the jaw. He let go, and cradled his jaw, which cracked when the impact hit it. I didn't think twice. I left through the door that he was blocking, and went to the kitchen.

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