On the Run

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                                                                             Chapter #2

                                                                            On the Run

     I woke up on a couch, in a living room, in a house... a different house. A house with green walls, and caring people. A house where it doesn't stink of cigarettes, or liquor... a house were I won't be hit, or treated badly... a house I've come to love more than my own.

   I stared at Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez, Nick's parents. They're faces were creased with worry, even as Nick looked away, and whispered, "She's coming to, she's coming,"

"You told them." It wasn't a question, and I don't think I meant it as one.

"Yeah, kind of had to."

 I looked at the 3 blurry faces, one by one. Mrs. Rodriguez had shoulder-length red curly hair, and was short. Mr. Rodriguez always had his hair slicked back, and the most tender hazel eyes i had ever seen. He was average height, leaving me wonder, where did Nick get his height from? He's tall.... I started to black out again, and so i closed my eyes, when i felt pressure on my chest. I felt air going through my lungs, giving me more air than necessary. I appreciate the help, but it's too much pressure... too much... way to much!!! I think i sreamed, and in an instant, i felt some one hold my hands, and another rubbed a finger around my cheek, and finally, finally the pain eased. But i got drowsy, and fell asleep...


      The next time i woke up, i was in a fluffy bed, blankets tucked in around my sides. Nick was sleeping in a chair, and it looked really uncomfortable. But i didn't want to wake him up either. I looked at a clock and read it's time. 2:45 am! i almost sceamed it, then i remembered every one else was asleep. I reached for the control, and turned on the T.V. I channel surfed, when i came to the news. They were talking about an accident that happened on 247 Yndic Rd. Wait - that was my street. Wait - that was my house number! Oh... My... GOD!!! They found our house... some one called... and some one wanted justice. They showed a current picture of a girl with auburn hair... my hair. A girl with jade green eyes... my eyes. A girl with dimples and a button-sized nose... my face. A girl... that was... me. They showed Nick, as "Gracie Alvarez's family jumper ".  Wow. That wasn't very creative....The rest that happened was a blur. Me screaming Nick's name. Nick rushing up. Nick packing his stuff. Mr. and Mrs.Rodriguez coming up-stairs. Every one worked at a fast pace. Every one, except me. I know that Mr. and Mrs.Rodriguez love me, but when it comes to Nick getting in trouble, it's all about him. They block every one else out. Even me. Even Nick's little sister.

     I just stood awkwardly next to the bed, waiting for them to notice that i'm in even more trouble. He was just the "helper". I started to get dizzy, and reached up to cradle my head. I felt a dry crispy part, and pinched off a part efforlessly. I saw that the flake i pinched off was dry blood, and i wondered how i got my skull to bleed. I then remembered my moms' attack, and my head hitting the floor. The blurry caring people became shadows, then out-lines, then... black. i felt some one catch me before i fell to the floor, and some one whispering my name. Or was the person screaming? I felt being shaken, i snapped back to out-lines. The person holding me was tall, and muscular. He had an almost deep voice, a voice that wasn't much more than to a high-schooler. A high-schooler that loved me. I snapped back to reality with that thought,only to find a scared Nick holding on to me. I found that his stuff was thrown on the floor, and his parents were right next to him.

"Gracie! Gracie! Come-on! Focus on me!!! On ME!!! Don't... don't..." He didn't finish, appearently afraid of what was on his mind.

"Stop... yelling" i mumbled really low, and i saw a releived face on all 3 of the family. My family. "Why are you yelling? Crap... my head really hurts." With these words, Nick huged me. Okay... random.

"I thought that i lost you. you should have seen your eyes... staring into nothing. Nothing at all. It scared me." His eyes got really tender, and i felt like i was blushing. I leaned in at the exact moment he did.

"Oh," Mr. Rodriguez interupted our gaze. "And, i saw that on the news that the police sent out troops to look for you two. Especialy you." He pointed to me. "So, if i were you kids, I'd get going." He pointed to 5 suit-cases.

"Oh, and Gracie honey, while you were out, we went to your house and brought back your stuff. The 2 medium-sized bags are full of food." Mrs.Rodriguez looked at me with watchful eyes. "Nick, i tust you enough to take the car, okay?" Nick nodded. "And kids, be careful. I'll miss you sooooo much." Her voice cracked. I walked toward her, and wiped away a few tears that escaped her eyes.

"It won't be long. I promise. Once the whole thing is cleared out, we'll come back. Don't worry about us." I felt like crying too. My voice shook, but I held in the waterworks.

"But I do." We hugged after that. And even cried a little. Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez put our stuff in the car, and we waited inside, just in-case.

"You ready to be on-the-run for the rest of probably this year?" I asked it without actually thinking, and i was curious.

"Are you?" He shot that one back right away.

"I... don't know. Am I?" This got a weird face from Nick and a laugh.

"That, Gracie, is up to you. 'Cause-" He didn't finish, because we were interupted by sirens, sirens that were getting louder and louder.

"Oh...My...God!!!!" They found us. They found us and I was alone. My only protection, Nick.

"Kids! Kids! leave! They went around the corner!  Go! Now! Be fore they come around again!" We just stood there, unaware of what he was saying, of what to do. "Don't you hear me? LEAVE!!!" Mr.Rodriguez shoved and pushed us forward, untill we got into the car. " Nick, I'll call you every week. Gracie - be caefull. Oh, and Nick? Take care of you and Gracie for me?" Nick nodded, and we were on our way.

"Thank-you! We'll come back! We'll call once we get to a safe-house! Visit!" I yelled, on the point of almost crying.

"Gracie, chill. We ain't movin'." He rolled his eyes, and i slapped his arm. We laughed a while after that, making up jokes and chilling.

     After an hour on road, i fell in a half sleep. Nick was on his phone, talking to who-knows-who.

"Hey... nothin'. you?... Oh? Really?... That's good... Yeah, she's asleep... sad... 'cause we had to leave... no, not her parents... Well, yeah, but... come on, don't judge... hey, the only reason I'm doing this is because-... yes! exactly!... No... I'm sticking... It was my choice... Because I could have turned-... okay then, talk to you when we're safe... yeah, I'll call. Bye... Fine, bye." Nick hung up.

Nick turned to my half-asleep body, and whispered, "Damn, if I turned Gracie in... no, that'st wrong! I'm her boy-friend, and, I guess that I would be turning my-self in too.... Should I? I promised to take care of her... but I also promised to try..." He got quiet for a while.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Try... what?" I asked dreamily. Nick kindda looked surprized, and looked away. "Tell me..." I almost slipped off, but then shook it away. "Tell me now."

"I don't- I don't know what you're talking about.." I was fully wakened now, and amost laughed when he said that.

"Nick, I swear, if you don't tell me, the next time you stop for gas-you know what? I'm not even telling you." The begining was a threat, and I meant it all the way through. Even if the ending did make me sound like a mad brat not getting her way. And trust me, I'll even cross my heart and promise that if he doesn't tell me, I will get off this car, sneak off far enough that he won't see me, and run away. But, if I don't do that, I will die (yes, I beleive in that crap. Sad, isn't it?). But the answer I got I was totally not expecting. And it pissed me off big time.

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