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heads up

"do you guys think he's coming back?" a guy named owen questioned, referring to how long morgan had been gone for.

i slowly turned my head away from the white wall and to where he sat, giving him a warning look.

"we can talk, right? you guys don't have to be afraid." he assured, earning an eyeroll from me.

"we aren't scared, asshole. we'd rather be other places than here... with you" i responded, causing him to nod, a smirk forming on his face.

"okay, i see... what other places?"

"there's injured people out there. we have patients, we shouldn't be here" denise answered, giving him the side eye.

"none of you should" he retorted, his husky voice sent tingles down my spine and they weren't the good kind.

me and denise went silent, unsure if it was a good idea to keep talking to this guy. i tried to focus on the green balloons, glenn.

"you came here without knowing what this was, right? that morgan had me here" owen questioned, breaking the skin shivering silence.

i nodded, fiddling with my wedding ring, "we're doctors, that's what we're supposed to do."

he shrugged, moving his eyes away from me and to his infection sight, "it's just an infection. it might not kill me, but it might. i've done my part."

i furrowed my eyebrows, giving him a confused look, "you've done you're part by killing people? maybe i should do my part too ... let the infection kill you"

he chuckled at my words, moving his eyes to mine again, "honey, it takes a lot more sacrifices than you think."

i let out a sigh, finally giving in, "show us the wound"

he hesitated for a moment before pulling up his shirt, removing the small towel which revealed the deep slit on his abdomen.

i glanced at denise, motioning for her to follow my lead. she nodded, getting on all fours like me.

i grabbed her bag, taking the medicine out, but never taking my eyes off of owen.

"you weren't born this way. you changed, you can change" denise uttered, trying to change the mans perspective.

"he doesn't care, denise. he's just some worthless, good for nothing man who ran into a group that gave him something to live for... whatever his messed up religion or mind is."

as the last words came out of my mouth, his eyes flashed with a dark shade, but i didn't care. i pushed my cloth down on his wound, making him hiss in pain.

"jesus, woman. are you trying to kill me?" he sneered, earning a shoulder shrug, "maybe... maybe not."

before anyone could say anything else, the door clicked and soon carol appeared, pointing her knife towards the three of us.

"melanie, step away from him" carol demanded, causing me to send her a weird glance, "carol, he's tied up"

"i said get away from him" she gritted, pointing the knife towards him, while pulling my arm back with her.

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