one door closed= another opened

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hello, my loves. you might be thinking "where tf have you been"— let me tell you it's been quite a shit show. i'll let you curse at me though. i know i've been away for too long.

so let's chat. i started writing home and haven when the disaster of covid 19 hit. i hate talking about it but whatever. i had a lot of free time during that period so i started writing about twd because it was my life and still is. i created melanie and her sisters, i created a love between her and glenn, and i made so many bonds and friendships. my characters feel so so real to me and i love them.

but with that being said it's now 2023 and with time moving i've grown so much. i've tried creative writing out of fanfics and other worlds of fan fiction.

i no longer think i continue this book because it was a past thing for me— but don't worry. i'm not done with the walking dead yet and i probably won't ever be.

i started a fanfic called "deaths destruction" at the end of last year and have been putting all my creativity and mind into something i feel is much better than home and haven.

i've been so excited to show carsyn and glenn's story along with many other characters i've created. if you guys liked this book i'm sure you'll enjoys deaths destruction. if you don't wish to continue reading my stories, i completely understand.

i'm so happy to be back in contact with my readers and i can't wait to close this successful door and open a new one to more opportunities with you guys!!

i love you all!!😚

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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