part two| tell me about yourself

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This morning I once again woke up at 7:00 am to be in the office by 8:00. The office, that was a fun word to say. I'm still over the moon about having an actual job at the moment where I didn't have to beg my parents for money.

My parents, Colette and Leroy, were high class individuals that separated not long after my 7th birthday. They were always the type of people that pushed me to my limits. I'm thankful for that because it's made me strong and the person I am today, but I also had to mature quickly. I had to basically raise myself since I had no siblings and nobody to care for me, and my parents sure didn't want a child. They were always extremely invested in their jobs and I was the "burden preventing them from working to their full potential" although I find that to be a complete lie. They always traveled and left me with nannies, usually whoever they could find on the spot. I was sort of thrown back and forth between the two households. Now they continue working in France and rarely came to New York to visit.

I stopped by my favorite coffee shop on the way to work and got a triple shot espresso. Just enough caffeine to make it until lunch time. I walked inside the large building saying hi to Christine of course and made my way up to my floor. The corridors were no longer tall and scary, they actually put a faint smile on my face. Before going to Ms Venable I made sure to bring her coffee from the break room.

In the break room there was someone who I haven't met yet reading a book while leaning against the counter. I introduced myself.

"Hi." I said while grabbing a mug and brewing hot coffee.

"Hello." the man said looking up from his book.

"Angelique." I smiled. "I'm Ms Venables assistant."

Once again I got that shocked expression like I do from every person I meet in this building.

"Owen. I'm just a floor below you." he said with a bright face. "So you said Ms Venable? How's that working out."

I chuckled a little at his comment.

"It's alright actually. For some reason i'm not so scared of her." I said pouring coffee in the mug. "So what are you doing up here?" I asked trying to make conversation and drifting away from the popular topic that was Ms Venable.

"I like it better up here. It's quiet and I actually have time to myself." Owen said.

He looked down at his watch and sighed deeply.

"I've gotta go. I'll see you around Angelique." he said goodbye with a friendly face.

"Bye Owen." I smiled as he rushed out of the break room.

I held the mug in my hand, my own coffee in the other, and my tote bag hanging off my shoulder. I stepped through the doors into the office to see everybody greeting me with a quick glance, then continuing to quietly work. I set down my coffee on my desk and went to Ms Venable.

"Good morning Ms Venable." I said as I opened the door and went inside.

"Good morning." she said in that familiar icy tone.

"I brought your coffee." I said placing the mug on her desk.

"Thank you." she said picking up the mug and taking a sip. "It's good." she said looking up and giving me a faint smile.

Did Ms Venable really just smile at me?

I sort of stood there, struck. Somehow I felt special that I was able to get a smile out of this cold woman.

"You may go now." she said continuing to type on her computer.

Moments over.

"Of course." I replied as my cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and quickly walked out of her office.

Unfamiliarity | Wilhemina VenableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora