part twelve| returned

474 33 1

warning: smut in this chapter

Outpost 3?

What the hell is that supposed to mean? An outpost is like a military base right? And if it's labeled 'Outpost 3' that means there's more than one? What is this disk even for?

I had so many questions, and too many that I couldn't answer. I tried looking through the box a little more, but nothing. There was nothing else that could tell me more about Outpost 3. I felt I should've left it on Wilhemina's desk and never touched it, but it intrigued me beyond belief so my curiosity had gotten the best of me. And now i'm stuck with an outpost. Whatever that means.

I was carefully placing everything back where it was before I heard cane taps in the distance, causing me to tense up and clumsily drop everything.

"Shit." I said under my breath, leaning down to pick up the box.

The cane taps grew closer until they stopped. My heart rate picked up as I turned around to see a tall woman in dark purple towering in front of me.

"What is all this?" Wilhemina asked in a rather annoyed tone.

"I dropped something." I said quietly, and continued picking up the box, then handing it to the woman.

She took it and her expression immediately grew worried. I watched as she rushed behind her desk and fiddled with the small box until it finally opened.

"Wilhemina?" I said barely audible.

I didn't want to risk making her upset, but it was frustrating not knowing anything.

"Wilhemina what is Outpost 3?"

She tensed up and shot her head to look up at me. Her brows knitted together and her jaw clenched tightly. She stayed like that for a moment as if she'd been frozen in ice, then looked back down and continued inspecting the small disk.

I was having enough of this. At this point I wanted to shoot somebody.

"Wilhemina!" I fumed as my face turned a bright red.

She didn't bother to look up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Why wont you tell me anything damnit!?" I continued screaming.

"You know what's wrong Angelique?" she straightened herself up, growing angrier by the second. "What's FUCKING WRONG IS THE FACT THAT I SAW YOU MAKING OUT WITH NORA!"

I backed up as she stepped closer to me, forcing me against the wall so our faces were only inches apart.

"If you would've let me explain, then you would know that we weren't making out." I began.

Wilhemina scoffed and I had to restrain myself from punching her.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"We weren't making out. She kissed me unexpectedly, then proceeded to tell me she 'wanted to know what it felt like' even though she already knew I was in a relationship. She must've been a little too drunk." I trailed off, lowering my head so Wilhemina couldn't get the satisfaction of seeing tears form in my eyes.

Unfamiliarity | Wilhemina VenableWhere stories live. Discover now