part ten| unpleasant surprise

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"So do you care to tell me what happened?" Nora asked as we sat down in a small booth, looking over drinks on the menu.

I rubbed my forehead and let out a grunt before starting.

"It's turned into this huge thing over something so stupid!" I hollered, to which I got a few stares by the tables next to us.

"Sorry." I smiled apologetically and faced back to Nora. "I'm just upset. Over nothing mind you."

"What did you two even fight about?" she inquired.

Before I could start the waiter came over and asked for our orders.

"Vodka martini." I blurted without thinking.

"Vodka martini?" Nora giggled.

"Oh shut up." I joked. "Vodka martini mister man. Make it two. Please and thank you."

Nora and I began a laughing fit, even without the alcohol.

I explained everything to her. I told her about the small disk to which she had no idea what I was talking about, I told her about our argument and whatnot, although I think that was mostly the alcohol talking. It might've been a bad idea to order vodka martinis, and two more after that.. and those bread rolls..

"And so I took my mother's shoes and threw them off the balcony!" I hollered, laughing and flailing my arms in the air.

I'm not entirely sure how we got to this point, but nonetheless Nora and I were having some much needed fun.

"Why the fuck would you throw them off the balcony!?" Nora screamed back, slurring her words.

"NO FUCKING IDEA!" I boomed and we both broke out in hysterical laughter.

Okay, it might've been one too many martinis.

"We've gotta.." Nora stumbled on her speech. "We've gotta uhm."

"Take your time." I giggled.

"Yes! We've gotta get you home." she finally said, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Home? That's boring." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"You know I think we uhm." Nora stopped, trying to gain back her train of thought.

"Yeah me too." I agreed, as I did overtly-exaggerated head nods.

The waiter came back shaking his head as he looked at 8 empty glasses and 5 bread rolls, all with only one bite taken out of each.

"Heyyyy there mister man." I winked at the waiter multiple times to which Nora threw her head back and started giggling until she had to restrain herself. 

"I'm going to get a cab for you two alright?" he said handing us the check and going back into the kitchen.

"Thanksss!" Nora yelled at him.

I slapped her hand and furrowed my brows in a grumpy expression.

"Nora don't make a scene!" I scolded, trying to stay mad but quickly went back into loud hysteria.

"You know you have..." she stopped once again. "You have good teeth. Good structure of... teeth."

"Huh?" I questioned raising my upper lip into a very unattractive face.

The girl nodded. "Yes."

"Okay." I said, and slumped back in my seat.

I looked out the window next to us and a bird was hopping around on the windowsill. The bird seemed to notice I was looking at it, and it danced a little before flying away.

Unfamiliarity | Wilhemina VenableDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora