part five| i love you

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I woke up to an empty bed. For a few seconds I thought I had dreamt everything, but that was when Mina walked in with a plate of food. My distressed face instantly lit up seeing her walk in.

"Goodmorning honey." she said placing the food on her bedside table and seating herself next to me.

"Goodmorning." I smiled giving her a warm kiss.

"Did you sleep okay?" she asked stroking the side of my face with her hand.

"Yeah." I replied placing my hand over hers.

We stayed like this for a few moments, looking into each other's eyes. Her deep, brown eyes were gleaming back at me, and I felt that same familiar feeling rush through my veins.

Wilhemina snapped out of her gaze and bit her lip after realizing what she was doing.

"Breakfast?" she said handing me the plate with french toast and a poached egg sided with coffee.

"Yes please." I said taking it. "It smells heavenly." I inhaled the lovely scent and it brought me back to when my nanny used to cook me her amazing breakfast.

"Did you make all this?" I asked taking a small bite of the french toast.

"With a little help." Wilhemina cocked her head and looked off to the side.

"Don't tell me you have a personal chef as well." I joked.

"No, no personal chef. Pinterest helped me." she joked.

"Well it's delicious." I smiled in satisfaction as I took another bite.

I could tell something was on Wilhemina's mind. I tried my best at asking, not that it would get me anywhere. She has walls built around her like a concrete fortress.

"What's on your mind honey?" I asked looking at her slightly sorrowful facial expression.

"Nothing." she replied quickly and straightened out her face so she no longer looked upset.

I stroked her cheek with my thumb. "I'm not here to judge. It's okay Mina." I said trying my best to assure her I wasn't going to make fun of her.

"Really. I'm okay." she paused. "I just realized how lonely this place is. It's so big and nobody's ever around." she sighed looking up at the walls surrounding her.

"Enough of that. I want to take you somewhere, let's get dressed." she said sternly but with a smile. Of course changing the subject.

"Okay Mina." I gave in, not wanting to ponder any longer.

I took the last sip of my coffee and placed it back on the tray as Wilhemina stood up and went into her closet. She came back out holding a box and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked as I unwrapped the pink ribbon tied to it.

"You'll see." the woman said eagerly waiting for me to see what was inside.

I eyed her a little in confusion, but continued opening the box like she said. Inside was a black sundress accompanied by a pair of white heels. My face instantly grew a smile on it as I held the dress up.

"It's beautiful. When did you get this?" I asked feeling the fabric. It felt expensive.

"While you weren't looking." she said in a childish voice, placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love it." I said standing up and holding it against my chest, twirling it around a little.

"Go get dressed." she then ordered me in a slightly authoritative tone.

Unfamiliarity | Wilhemina VenableWhere stories live. Discover now