part seven| confidential

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warning: more smut at the end 👩‍🦯


I hopped off the counter and put back on my bra and panties with a grunt of frustration. Yet how could I stay mad at Mina? I crept up behind the woman and snaked my arms around her waist, giving delicate kisses on her neck. She hummed a little as she flipped the pancakes and placed them on a plate beside her.

I whispered "I love you Mina." and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you too Angel." she said with a smile that puffed up her cheeks.

"I like that name." I said quietly.

She giggled in response.

"Get the syrup." she motioned to the cabinet.

I released my arms from her waist and rummaged through her pantry, grabbing the bottle and placing it on her marble counter. She handed me a plate with two pancakes and a fork on it and I gussied them up with some butter and syrup.


Mina made herself a plate and we sat on the couch. We talked for what felt like hours. She made me feel comfortable and so happy it was hard to grasp. Even when the conversation lagged it was nice to just sit in silence. There was no awkwardness between us.

Willow had made her way over to us and was purring and rubbing against my legs.

"She likes you." Mina smiled giving her a few pets.

"Really? Well I like you too Willow." I talked as I rubbed between her ears.

She jumped up on the couch and laid herself in between the two of us.

"She's cute." I chuckled and looked up at Mina. "Not as cute as you though." I said leaning in and giving her a soft kiss.

We pulled away with our cheeks blushing and the woman averting her gaze from me so she wouldn't become any more embarrassed.

"I got Willow from an animal shelter." Wilhemina started. "She was only a kitten and from the first glance I knew I needed to have her. And she's been living with me ever since."

I stroked the cat's midnight black fur as she purred and started to fall asleep.

"It's only been you and Willow?" I asked curiously.

Wilhemina nodded. "For five years. Well, four." she said.

I tilted my head intrigued, wanting her to continue.

"A while ago I dated a girl and I thought I was in love, but we eventually split off. And I never saw her again." she said looking off into the distance, like she was rummaging through old memories.

I was surprised I was able to get that out of her.

Willow had jumped off of the couch and I sat there for a few moments, looking at Mina's deep eyes. She looked up at me and gave me a small grin. Her hand slid towards mine and took a hold of it.

"But I have you now." she said quietly.

"Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrows.

The woman giggled and crawled closer to me until she was on top of me, and pressing her body against mine. She was giving me passionate kisses, licking and biting on my lower lip. My hands roamed to her sides and she flinched for a second, but allowed me to continue. I held her face as she kissed me and worked her hands lower to her breasts, massaging them. She elicited a soft moan in my mouth and I smiled against her lips.

Unfamiliarity | Wilhemina VenableTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang