Chap. 14 | Alice's Chilhood Friend

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After learning everything about the whole situation between the two parties, Y/N makes her way to free Diego from his tied seat.

After freeing him, Y/N tried to calm him with all her might as he was trying to attack the soldiers.

"Calm down??! Are you out of your mind?? Those guys were trying to-"

"Wait! Let me explain first!!"

Y/N pulled his arm before pulling her hands onto his shoulder.

She gave him a reassuring look.

Diego, who saw the gazed, become quiet for a second. Upon the gaze he received, he sighed deeply with a mix of suspicious but wanting to understand her side of the story.

The atmosphere was already tense enough. Diego also gazed sharply towards the boys and he immediately knew that the soldiers can not be underestimated.

(Even their gaze is felt like being stabbed by swords...)

Diego twitched his eyebrows before looking at Y/N with full attention.

"Alright then..."

Diego narrowed his eyes with his arms crossed.

"Care to explain, Y/N?"

He stayed silent afterward, clearly waiting for an explanation about her letting men that he didn't even recognize with strange attitude in her house.


She muttered as she could only look at him in confusion despite the poker face she had.

It was as if there were only blank spaces inside her brain and nothing filled in no matter how hard she tried.

And she cursed for that.

(What do I do?!)

She panics inside with a sweat appeared on her forehead, still trying to think about a logical explanation about this.

(I mean!! I can't just tell him that those guys are from another world called Cradle or wonderland or whatever they called it! Not to mention, they were wearing soldiers' outfits and acts like ones as if they were cosplaying.)

(No matter how you look at it, nobody's gonna believe that explanation!)

Y/N thought. In which, she could imagine if she did explain like that, she could see Diego's pitiful face as he tells her if she wants to go to a therapist to get her mentality check.

(... Also for the fact I let them in without asking further questions... Hahaha... He's not gonna leave me alone now.)

(Sometimes I wonder if I did something bad in my past life for having a careless attitude.)

Y/N sighed in dismay, suddenly remembering her childhood friend's antics when they were still younger and with her previous meeting.

Knowing that she can't waste time, she continues to think harder about a possible explanation as an idea appeared in her head which she mentally snapped her finger.

(I got it!)

"Diego, I understand that your first impression was bad but please hear me out!"

"Good, cause I'm all ears."

He raised his eyebrow, narrowing them deeper while patiently waiting for her answer as the atmosphere started to become tense than before.

Y/N noticed this and quickly react. She started to clear her throat while looking at Diego with a newfound confident expression.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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