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Sienna tried to ignore the silent stares of Abby sitting next to her. She knew Abby was trying to get her attention but Sienna didn’t want to look, scared of what Abby might do. She stared at the novel in her hands, reading the same lines over and over again; clearly she wasn’t going to get any work done this session.

It had been half an hour exactly since her silent exchange of glances between her and Dylan as well as the cold look from Will, and she could not get it out of her head. She tried several times to shake the whole situation out of her head, but it didn’t help when every few minutes Dylan would look over as if to see if she was still sitting in her seat and that she hadn’t disappeared.

Will hadn’t looked at her again, which made Sienna’s heart sink a little. Maybe she was just imagining the little smile that he had given her moments before, because there clearly weren’t any of those anymore.

It seemed like time was going a lot slower than usual. Abby must’ve noticed that Sienna was purposefully ignoring her and that she hadn’t turned the page since she opened the book, because she had taken up throwing little bits of paper onto Sienna’s desk. Sienna rolled her eyes and swept the little bits of ripped paper off her desk, making a little mess on the floor that she would no doubt have to clean up after the class.

Everyone around her was scribbling in their notebooks and reading in their Shakespeare novels. Even Leonard hadn’t noticed his girlfriend’s persistent bugging of Sienna; that is, until she started making noises.

Psst!” Abby whispered to Sienna, throwing a larger piece of paper this time. Sienna knew this one had writing on it because she spotted the word “Dylan” and the sentence “Did you know?”. “Sienna!” She whispered louder this time, pointing to the landed piece of paper and causing Leonard to shush her and a few heads to turn around.

Sienna huffed and rolled her eyes, closing her book and unfolding the tattered piece of paper.

Why is Dylan back? Did you know about this? Sienna read the messy writing that was clearly written in a rush by Abby. She looked up at Abby with a stern frown on her face, giving her an irritated shake of her head. Sienna decided to give her a response.

No! Of course I didn’t know about this! I’m just as confused as you are? She threw the piece of paper to Abby’s desk, watching her open it and scrawl another response.

Well then why is he here? He got kicked out! Abby wrote back, giving her a prompting look along with it.

Well I don’t know either. It’s not like we are best buds! Sienna was getting irritated now. How was she supposed to know why he was suddenly back?

Mackenzie is not going to be happy. Abby said back to Sienna, making Sienna suddenly dread what Mackenzie may do. She had already freaked when she found out about his presence at her house the night before, so what would she do when she found out about his returning presence at the school?

By this time, Leonard had caught onto the girls’ silent conversation and had given Abby an angry look as if to say shut up. Abby had bowed her head and continued with her work leaving Sienna to her thoughts. There was no way she was going to be able to continue her own work so shifted through her bag to get her sketchbook out.

Sienna had realised that she hadn’t drawn on her own since she had been in her new home and felt a little bit guilty. She had been to her art classes and they were fine, but it was nothing like creating art that she wanted to do. The main reason why she was even accepted into the school was because of her art. Of course, she had only found out about that fact when she had first met the gushing headmaster.

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