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Hey guys! So this is my first story and I'm pretty nervous about all of your opinions. Yes, I do know that there are many mistakes or gramatical errors but until I finish the story and edit it, I don't care. I will try to upload as much as possible! Also, this is supposed to be a relatively small chapter just to set the story. Thanks guys, Enjoy!

Ps. Guys I have rated this as R only because i intend to put curse words in the story and also some sex scenes. So if you are not of age, please for your innocence, do not read this story. I cannot stop you, but I would strongly advise not to read!


Sienna Riley kept her gaze on the passing green hillsides, her head tilted onto the window. She felt awkward sitting on the right hand side of the car instead of the left. She wasn’t used to the car drifting on the right side either.  And she doubted she would get used to it anytime soon. Her eyes rolled as she tried to focus on a tree or bush as they sped down the long, winding road but the car was going too fast for her to lock onto something. So she shut her eyes and wished to be home.

She wished she was lying on the beach back home. She wished she was laughing and smiling and lapping up the warm sun that was being soaked up. She wished she could breathe in the salty air and feel the cool breeze whip at her skin. She wished she could run to the water and dive straight under the colliding waves where her friends would be waiting for her on the other side. This was Sienna’s happy place. Where the weather was fine for most of the year, apart from the drizzly and less sunny months of course. Where cars were driven on the left side of the road, passengers in cars sat on the left hand side too and the driver sat on the right. Where everyone didn’t have snobby accents that gave the impression she was lower than them. No, her happy place was back home. Well, her old home now, in Australia.

Her old home.

Sienna snapped her eyes open again, not wanting the realisation to kick in yet. She didn’t want it to finally sink into her head that she did not live in Australia anymore. No, she didn’t want that.

There weren’t many visible hills anymore, instead there were small townhouses bunched together every so often. The car turned off onto a road which indicated that they were now in a town called ‘Roleystone’ in big capital letters.

Sienna rolled her eyes and flopped her head to the other side where her sister Ivy, sat quietly in the back watching the streets race by. She reached over and placed a hand on top of Ivy’s and squeezed just enough to let her know she was there. Ivy turned to face her and gave her a small smile and squeezed Sienna’s hand in response.

The car stopped suddenly and gave both the girls a start. Blinking as if she had just woken up, Sienna didn’t move for moment not entirely knowing what to do next. She craned her neck to see out the window and down the ordinarily boring street. This was foreign land and she didn’t like it one bit.

“We’re here girls.” A male voice sounded from the front of the car. This also startled Sienna as it was the first time someone had spoken since leaving the airport. Even someone’s voice seemed strange in a place she had never been before.

Her dad opened his door and let in a gush of frozen air into the car. It bit at Sienna’s skin and didn’t let go. She wore a plain grey top, plain hoody and a black jacket to keep out the cold but it almost felt like it was doing nothing. This was just another factor she would have to get used to in the foreign land also known as Canada. Seeing no other choice, Sienna climbed out of the car and tackled the crisp air, holding her arms over her chest as if to protect from any more cold chills to touch her.

The boot had been popped and Sienna’s dad started unloading the fat travelling bags that the girls had brought with them. Ivy grabbed her’s first and scuttled away to the sheltered patio at the front of the house, her bags rolling behind her. Their dad then handed Sienna her worn patchwork backpack and big travel suitcase.

“Thank you.” She replied with a small smile and headed towards the patio.

Yet again, other thing she would have to get used to; talking to her dad. It wasn’t that there was a dark history between them that caused them to completely kill all conversations between the two of them. It was just that she had not seen her father for ten years.

After her mum and dad split when she seven and her sister was two, Sienna stayed with her mum, sister and grandmother on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Her father called once in a while to check up on Sienna and Ivy, and see how everything was going with her mum, but other than that the girls didn’t have much to do with their dad. Even when Sienna found out that her father had remarried, she didn’t mind. Ivy didn’t mind either; she was too young to even remember his face. As far as she was concerned, their father was just a strange man that they had to live with until they were of age to leave home.

But as far as Sienna could tell, their dad was just happy to have them in his life again.

“Oh my goodness!” A shrill voice came flooding down the staircase as they walked inside the warm, dry house. “It’s so wonderful to meet you girls! I’ve heard so much about you! This is so exciting!” Squealing sentences came from a small, delicate woman tip-toeing hurriedly down the stairs in front of them. “My name is Portia!”

The small lady pulled little Ivy into a hug and shook her gently from side to side. Her face was pink on her cheeks from the running and squealing but Sienna knew that behind her flushed features was a kind woman, if the sudden hugs and squeals hadn’t given that away already. Portia pulled away from Sienna’s stunned sister and pulled Sienna into a similar hug. It was warm and almost comforting, but Sienna didn’t know how to react. Instead, she just stood there with the tiny woman’s arms holding her in a tight squeeze. When Portia pulled away she looked at the girls in utter excitement. This woman looked only a small portion older than Sienna which amused her. Her father was always the one to get the younger women. When her mum had met him she was barely older than Sienna herself, seventeen.

“Ah, hello.” Sienna gestured a little wave at Portia, still stunned.

Portia beamed at her, redness flooding back to her face again.

“Let’s show you girls your rooms!” She squealed once again in happiness, clapping her hands as if she had just witnessed someone doing a trick.

Ivy craned her head in desperation as Portia grabbed her hand and started pulling her up the wide staircase. Sienna followed her new mother and little sister into her new life.

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