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Sienna raced down the stairs, skipping every second step to get to the bottom as soon as possible. When she caught sight of Portia, she almost tackled her to the ground.

“Portia! Please- Oh my god, Portia!” There were tears starting to well up in the brim of her eyes. Portia whirled around and saw Sienna face.

“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Her face held only worry for Sienna and she placed two hands on either side of her shoulders, leading her towards one of the chairs in the dining room.

Sienna shook her head in resentment. “Portia…” She trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

What if she judged her? What if she didn’t even agree with sex before marriage? What if after Sienna told her, that she would look down at her? Something like this had never happened to Sienna before. The only other times she had ever had sex was with her old boyfriend back in Australia. They had broken up a couple of weeks before Sienna moved to Canada, and Sienna was on the pill back then.
So something like this was new and she didn’t know how to react.

So she dived in headfirst. “Portia, I drunk to much last night and I got way too drunk. And I had a little fight with my friends I think, and I stormed off with this guy that I hardly knew. And all I remember is my friends told me that he was bad news and I ignored them. And so I went back to his room with him, I think it was his room at least, and we had sex. And I really don’t know if he wore a condom or not because we were so drunk. And I don’t know what to do because this has never happened to me and-“

“Sienna! Breath,” She pulled Sienna into a warm hug and stroked her hair softly. “Shh, its ok. It’s going to be fine. We’ll get you the morning after pill, ok. It will all be alright,” Her voice was soothing and her hand stroked Sienna’s head comfortingly.

And she felt like she was in the arms of her mother again.
Sienna flinched slightly away, trying not to make it too obvious.

“Please don’t tell dad,”

“No honey, I wouldn’t do that. That’s up to you to tell him,” She smiled at Sienna. “Now, lets get going. We have some cupcakes to deliver!”

After stopping at the closest convenience store Sienna practically bolted in and purchased the little pill. The lady behind the counter gave her a look of sympathy, which made Sienna uneasier. After that, they were off.

Turned out there weren’t many errands that needed to be run with Portia. For the most part, they just drove around to houses that ordered Portia’s specially decorated cupcakes, and it was Sienna’s job to deliver them.
One of the boxes that Sienna took to the door had 4 cupcakes tightly packed. She quietly snuck in a quick look into the box and was pleasantly surprised to see what was on the cupcakes.

One of them held a little 3D Dr Who Tardis sitting snuggly on top, another had a little picture of what looked to be a sonic-screw driver, another had figure of a face-less man with a brightly coloured scarf around his neck and the last had a little 3D Dalek on top.

It was cute. Sienna had only ever watched a couple of episodes of Dr who but she knew enough to know that whoever purchased these cupcakes was a big fan.

She pressed the button to the second floor of the apartment building. The little label on the box said it was apartment three that she was supposed to go to, so she made an educated guess that it was on the third floor. The bell dinged and she made her way into a warm corridor with an old painting at the end.

The apartment didn’t look to be an expensive one, but she knew that the artwork surely was. Before she tried looking for the apartment number, Sienna subtly took a walk to the painting.
It was beautiful. The strokes that had been so delicately painted were rough which told Sienna it was old. It was of a couple in old century clothes, sitting down on a little picnic rug. The woman wore a frilly white dress with a hat covering just her eyes and a parasol over her head. The man was wearing all black with a top hat. It reminded Sienna of the movie Little Women.

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