The New Kid

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Abby was definitely right. Mackenzie was not happy at all.

The group sat at their table in stunned silence; no one knew exactly what to say.

Mackenzie sat at the table with her legs folded up onto the seat and her phone in her hands. Though it didn't actually seem like she was doing anything with it, Mackenzie stared at it intently at if she was waiting for it to explode. Candice was off in another world as always. Today she had a new guy sitting next to her.

Before the rest of the group sat down, Candice introduced the tall, blonde boy as James Whittaker, a guy who happened to be in modern history with Candice.

But no one really cared who he was. Sienna knew that by the end of the month, James would be long forgotten and Candice would have a new flavour of the month. Poor guy, Sienna thought.

Abby and Leonard were looking over everyone, probably trying to figure out what to do. And Sienna sat pushing food across her plate, trying to piece together what had actually happened throughout the day already.

A group of laughter erupted from across the cafeteria. Half the people in the school looked over at the sudden noise, but Sienna's table stayed distant and still. They knew where the laughter was coming from.

Dylan Vaugn and his group of jocks. Who apparently recruited a new member to their idiotic group, by the name of Jaxon. Dylan had his arm around Jaxon's shoulders with a wide grin plastered across his face.

A girl with overly large, curly hair and freckles on her face had walked past the group and tripped over her feet. The group of boys, and some cheerleader girls who sat around them, laughed and pointed at her, making Sienna's blood boil.

She suddenly pushed herself away from the table and ran over the girl on the floor, dodging people trying to get past.

"Are you ok?" Sienna asked, crouching down to the girl and offering a hand. The girl looked up at Sienna and smiled thankfully, taking it.

"Yes, thank you." The girl let go of Sienna and brushed off her knees.

From behind the girl, Sienna heard one of the jocks, most likely Dylan, imitate the girl in a high pitched voice. Sienna turned her head towards the group.

"You're disgusting." She snarled at Dylan, by now the cafeteria had gone silent.

"What?" Dylan said innocently with a smile.

Sienna shook her head at him and grabbed the girl arm. "Lets go," She whispered to the girl who was all too willing to get out of that place.

Once they were out of the cafeteria and into the hall Sienna let go of her arm.

"What's your name?" Sienna smiled at the girl. She could get a good look at her now. The girl's baby face gave away that she was obviously younger than Sienna was. And her freckles that covered her face also had acne scars hidden within them. She was a little shorter than Sienna with a very lanky build showing from the fact that her clothes almost hung off her.

"My name's Karen," She smiled and straightened her books in her arms.

Sienna stuck out her hand. "My name's Sienna, its nice to meet you," She smiled as Karen took her hand in a polite shake. "I'm new here."

Joy flashed over Karen's face. "I am too!"

Before Sienna could respond, the bell went for class with a rush of people coming from every angle of the school.

"Thank you again, Sienna." Karen spun around and waved back at her. Sienna gave her a little wave and headed to her locker quickly before class.

That afternoon when she got home, Sienna threw her bag across her room and face planted into her bed. It hadn't even been five minutes before her phone started buzzing from her pocket.

Mackenzie calling...

Without hesitation, Sienna picked up the phone. Was something wrong?

"Hey, are you ok?" Sienna answered hurriedly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Mackenzie didn't even seem phased about Dylan being back anymore. Strange. "Want to go out for a coffee or something? Need to get out of this house."

"So of course I'm upset, right."

Sienna and Mackenzie were sitting in a quaint little coffee shop just off Williams Street. It wasn't overly crowded "But I figured why should I give him the satisfaction of him knowing that I'm upset."

Sienna nodded in agreement. "Right,"

"He doesn't deserve it," Mackenzie stated frankly, stabbing a little fork into her chocolate muffin.

Sienna just nodded again. "Mmhm,"

"There are so many other guys out there who are way more attractive than Dylan Vaugn." Mackenzie almost spat his name.


This was when Mackenzie realised Sienna wasn't paying any attention what so ever.

"So I was thinking. I'm going to move to Africa or somewhere. Maybe join the Peace Corps."

Another distracted nod from Sienna. Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

Sienna shook her head. "Wait, what?"

Mackenzie just laughed and shook her head. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I am. It's just been a big day."

To be totally honest, Sienna wasn't paying any attention to Mackenzie's tirade. So much had happened. Sienna just couldn't understand how she could be so wrong about someone; so totally wrong.

But Dylan wasn't the guy she was thinking about, at all. After everything that ha happened today, the one thing that she should have been focusing on was her friend and how she was feeling. But Sienna just could not get Will out of her head.

"Um, hello? It's been a long day for me too? You better not be daydreaming about Dylan right now." Mackenzie frowned at Sienna. "He's a horrible person. We hate him."

Sienna laughed into her coffee. "Calm down Kenzie. I am not thinking about that douche."

"Ok, good. Well who are you thinking about then?" With a small smirk, Kenzie winked at her friend. "Is it a guy?"

Sienna shook her head and took a drink.

"It is a guy!"

By this time, multiple people had turned their heads to see what the strange girl had been shouting at.

"Mackenzie! Stop, there's people looking." Sienna hid her face with her hand.

"That's cool. You don't want to tell me right now. But you will sooner or later. That, or I'll just find out myself- Can you stop looking at me!" Kenzie shouted at the gothic looking couple sitting beside them. "Haven't you seen teenage girls talk about boys before, god dammit!"

Sienna couldn't help but laugh out loud at her friend.


Holy crap! Why has it been so long since I've updated you ask? Well, it has been a craaaaazy year for me! Not only did I move out of home early last year, graduate highschool and turn the big 18 but now my boyfriend and I have got a house! AHHHH! So crazy!
But I am so grateful for all your support and warming messages I've recieved over the past few months! I cannot express how sorry I am for not updating sooner! But I am back (and better than ever!)
So here we go!

Also, I always love it when ya'll vote and comment! So make sure you do that if you liked this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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