Interrogations and Scandals

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"WAIT, WHAT?" Mackenzie's voice boomed down the school corridor, making numerous heads turn in her direction. "What do you mean Dylan Vaughn had dinner at your house?" Mackenzie looked around and then lowered her voice to normal level, although her voice still raised an octave as she flung her hands in the air. "Why wasn't I told about this? I mean, we are talking about the Dylan Vaughn, yes? The one we hate? The one I hate!" Her eyes were wide as she glared from Sienna to Abby to Leonard.

Leonard raised his hands in surrender. "Don't look at me! I had nothing to do with this. I'm just as shocked as you are," He said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Mackenzie turned to Sienna and Abby with her hands on her hips. Abby moved out of her glare, leaving Sienna getting the full anger treatment. And the worst part of it all was Mackenzie didn't even know the half of it.

Mackenzie had no idea that Sienna and Dylan had done a lot more than just have dinner with their families. But that was a topic that she was not going to bring up in the middle of the corridor with her hands full of books and people flooding the halls.

She just wanted to forget it ever happened, and she was sure Dylan had the same idea.

Sienna shrugged nervously and struggled to straighten her books in her arms with the death glare pointed directly at her. "Kenzie I had no choice. Our parents all knew each other. And I had no idea he was coming over until that day,"

Sienna decided to turn on her heals and start heading towards class. She knew the others would follow because she had class with Abby and Leonard, and she knew Mackenzie definitely wasn't finished with her investigation.

Mackenzie caught up to her with little effort, even though her black, private school shoes had a small heal on the bottom of them.

"Well, what happened then? At the dinner, was he an asshole like he usually is?" Mackenzie questioned.

Sienna shook her head. "No, he was actually pretty...I don't know, nice?" She treaded very lightly on the last word, afraid of what Mackenzie might do. And her estimations were right.

Mackenzie stopped dead in her tracks, making an oblivious passer by knock straight into her back. Sienna gave the girl an apologetic look as she walked swiftly away.

"Nice? Dylan Vaughn doesn't do nice! Not unless he gets something out of it, Sienna!" She flung her hands in the air again, nearly hitting another passing boy with his arms full of books.

Sienna shrugged and started walking again, just as the bell rang for class.

Mackenzie sighed and fixed her bag back on her back. "We aren't finished here." She pointed at Sienna and turned straight around towards the gym.

Sienna blew out an exhausted breath and turned towards Abby and Leonard who had been eyewitnesses to the whole scene that had just gone down. Abby gave her a sympathetic look and Leonard shook his head and stifled a laugh into his sleeve. His girlfriend punched him in the ribs and gave him a side glare.

"Ow! I'm sorry! It's just been a while since I've seen Kenzie so riled up. It's fun to watch-" Another punch in the ribs from Abby. "Ow! I mean, it's not fun for you of course, but did you see how red her face went when you brought up Dylan, it was priceless!" He laughed again and pushed his glasses up his nose.

Sienna sighed and pushed the door open, faintly hearing the bickering couple she left behind.

She entered the class with her head down, shuffling her books around in her arms. She didn't realise how preoccupied she was until she crashed into the back of someone. A strong whiff of rich smelling perfume flooded Sienna nostrils, making her instantly know who she had accidently bumped into.

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