The Party (Part 1)

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“Oh girl! No, no, no! We are not going anywhere with you dress like that!” Mackenzie exclaimed, grabbing Sienna’s arm and pulling her up the stairs, a bemused Jaxon trailing along behind them.

Sienna wasn’t paying any attention to her friend who was desperately upset about her choice of fashion for the night. All she could think about was the guy who had forcefully tried to kiss Sienna, being in her house.

“Holy shit, Sienna! Can your house get any bigger?” She stopped at the top of the stairs looking both directions down the hallway, before making an educated guess towards Sienna’s bedroom. "Why didn't you tell me you lived in a life-size barbie mansion?"

When they walked in Sienna thought she heard a soft whimper escape Mackenzie’s mouth. Mackenzie let go of Sienna’s hand and made her way across the room and flopped onto Sienna’s bed. Sienna realised that Jaxon and her were standing side by side in the doorway, so she shifted away and walked towards her oblivious friend who was making what looking to be ‘snow angels’ on her sheets.

Sienna also realised what Mackenzie’s choice of fashion was for the night. She was clad in a tight black dress that fitted around her body so well that Sienna thought it had been customly designed to fit Mackenzie alone. On her feet she wore bright red strappy heels that looked like they had costed a fortune and pretty red toenails to match. Her hair was tied up into a tight red bun, neatly placed on the top of her head. Sienna automatically looked down at the clothes she had on. Nothing compared to what Mackenzie wore; especially not Sienna’s light blue jeans, black singlet and blue knitted cardigan.

“Where exactly are we going tonight?” Sienna asked Mackenzie curiously.

“To a party,” Mackenzie responded in such a way that insinuated to Sienna that she had to have known that already.

“Oh.” Was all Sienna said in response.

“Yeah its this guys birthday tonight. He's a total asshole, but we aren't going for him, we are going just for the free drinks!" A sly smile on her face as she said it. "Right,” Mackenzie planted her feet on the floor and pushed herself up, striding across the room to look Sienna dead in the eye. “You’re not wearing this to the party tonight.”

“But I-“

“Party? What party?”

And of course, it was the perfect timing for Portia to enter the room.

“No, please, I am not wearing this.” Sienna was standing in front of a wall length mirror in her father and Portia’s bathroom, trying to pull the hem of, what seemed to be a shirt, down to her knees.

It was a nice dress, with a tight bodice that fit Sienna well and a flowy skirt made of satin. It was the colour of royal blue, and with it down, Sienna’s hair shone when the light hit it. They had made her wear some mascara and a bright red lipstick to match the deep blue dress, but Sienna didn’t feel comfortable. The only thing she was happy about the outfit was that she had convinced Mackenzie and Portia to let her wear her converses, which Sienna thought made the outfit look better. Of course the two others had been hard to convince, but they let it go because Sienna had told them it was the only way she would be going to the party.

“Nonsense! You look hot, Sienna. Own it.” Mackenzie lightly slapped Sienna on the shoulder and smiled widely at her.

“I don’t know,” Sienna was unconvinced. “Isn’t it a bit short?”

“Are you kidding? You look like a nun compared to me.” Mackenzie gestured to her black dress that sat just under her butt. Sienna breathed out a shaky laugh in agreement and the three of them headed out of the room to wear Sienna’s dad, and Jaxon, were in the lounge.

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