Walk of Shame

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Sienna’s eyes fluttered open to see a bright light streaming through the window. She didn’t recognise the grey ceiling, neither did she recognise the feel of the bed she was lying one, neither did she recognise the colour of the sheets that lay around her.

Fuck!” Sienna whispered and sat bolt up right, feeling the sheets that were wrapped around her, slip down to her bare waist and head start throbbing.

She looked down at her bare chest in stunned silence and slowly looked to the side, where another body lay face down in the covers, also naked.

Sudden realisation dawned on her as the events of the night before came crashing down. She felt like she was going to vomit. And she was right.

She clasped a hand around her mouth and stood up, racing to a room that looked like a bathroom, leading from the bedroom. She panicked when she realised she didn’t have a clue where anything was until she saw the porcelain toilet hidden behind the door. She ran to it, closing the door as she passed it, and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

It took her three tries to empty whatever the hell was inside her stomach, and once she was done, her mouth tasted disgusting, dry and bitter. She shuddered at the taste and tried not to think about the smell either.

She needed to get out of here. But how? She had no phone, she didn’t know where she was and she didn’t even know what the time was.

Fuck! Sienna thought, Dad is going to kill me!

Sienna stood up from the cold tiles, her head spinning with unease. Was she going to vomit again?
Slowly, and quietly, Sienna tiptoed out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where Dylan was clearly passed out, never to be waking up anytime soon. She slipped on her underwear and grabbed her black dress that had somehow been slung across the room and rested on the drawers. She grabbed her shoes as well and just as she was about to leave the room, she saw what looked to be a phone resting on the side table near Dylan.

Quickly she grabbed the phone to look at the time. It was five minutes past six in the morning. At least it was earlier than she thought, but much later than her curfew. She was so dead.
She placed the phone back down after trying to unlock it to call someone, but the phone wouldn’t open and she was no detective either. And she certainly didn’t have the time to go through all possible patterns.

So she trudged out of the room with her head still pounding, trying to recall the events of the night before. The last thing she had remembered was accepting a drink from Mackenzie. What drink number that was, she did not know.

Trying to find her way around the house and dodging passed-out bodies lying on the floor, Sienna saw a figure move across the lawn, obviously as hung over as she was. She realised, with no comfort at all, that the person was in fact Jaxon.

With great hesitation, she dove for the front door and ran after him onto the front lawn. He turned around, startled after the front door slammed shut and a cocky smile spread across his face.

“You look lovely this morning,” Jaxon looked Sienna up and down, surveying her horrible state. She wouldn’t have been surprise if her hair look like a bird’s nest, her mascara had smudged under her eyes and there was red lipstick stains around her mouth. All Sienna could think was; so this is what a one night’s stand feels like? “Big night, huh?”

“You don’t look to crash-hot yourself.” She gestured at his unpleasant state and continued on. “Jaxon, can you please take me home?” The question rolled off her tongue and she was almost more disgusted in having to ask the question than when she was vomiting.

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