And They Met

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Hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter :) In the next few chapters, it gets more interesting!


Sienna’s new school was not like the one she went to back home. It was about ten times bigger, twenty times fancier and thirty times…well stranger. As she headed up the stairs to her first new class, she remembered the first part of the morning:

Before Portia had driven off, she had given Sienna her number to put in her phone so if she needed anything she could call. Sienna doubted she would need to call her for anything, but she thanked her anyway and left the car. She watched as the car drove off with Ivy in the back seat listening to her music and shutting everything out.

Sienna breathed in deeply and walked into the foyer of the school, which was deserted apart from the elderly lady behind the desk. So she walked up to the desk, with the stern lady behind it.

“Excuse me?” The stern lady looked up from her paperwork and stared at Sienna in a scowl. “Hi, I’m new here…” Sienna didn’t know what to do, or say.

“Oh! Sienna Riley?” The lady beamed. Clearly she was wrong when she thought the lady was stern.


“Ah, just right this way darl. I’ll take you to the headmaster.” She walked away with Sienna on her heals. Sienna was definitely wrong. She walked them both into a room a pulled out a comfortable looking chair, gesturing for Sienna to take it. “Mr Meyers will be here in a few moments, would you like some water?” The lady asked politely.

“No, thank you.” She smiled at the woman. Taking her leave, the woman smiled in reply and closed the door behind her.

The room Sienna sat in was clearly the principal’s, or headmaster’s, office. There were small pieces of artwork that hung on the pale blue walls and certificates scattered around the desk in front of her. There was a sleek leather couch behind her with pale blue pillows placed on it, and a water dispenser on the far left hand side of the room.

Sienna didn’t know what she was expecting of Mr Meyers, but what she did know is that she was not expecting what came from behind the door. Mr Meyers was a short, stocky man with black hair that was balding on the top of his head. His clothes were clearly too big for him because his suit pants dragged along the floor and his blazer was too long for his arms. He had a plump round nose with rounded glasses placed on top. Sienna was easily a couple of feet taller than her new headmaster.

“Hello, Miss Riley.” He greeted sternly and held out his hand. Sienna stood up and took it politely.

“Hello,” She replied nervously.

“So, your first day at St. Patterson’s. Are you nervous?” That was an understatement, Sienna thought. She nodded in reply. Mr Meyer’s had taken his seat behind the desk and had his fingers wrapped together. “I hear you are a very bright student, Miss Riley, so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”

Sienna blushed. She guessed that her father would have been the one to tell him that.

“I also hear that you specialise in the arts?”

“Yes, sir.” She hesitated, as she allowed to call him sir? Was that impolite?

“Well that is good news. We are a private school that specialises in the arts you see, Miss Riley. That is why you have been selected to be at this school.” He informed her.

“Sorry, sir. What do you mean by selected?” Sienna was confused, she had not filled in any paperwork or sent in a copy of her pieces or even auditioned. She had no idea what he was talking about.

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