New Situations

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After English, school went through as a blur for Sienna. At lunch she met the others at the table they sat at in the first break. Sienna let everyone else do the talking, although she answered occasional questions from the others asking how different home was.

Double Human Biology class was after lunch and she didn’t concentrate on much of what she was being taught. She felt bad that she wasn’t paying any attention to the teacher but she couldn’t shake the feeling of Will’s soft hands.

Sienna was sitting at her desk in her new room now. She sat there, staring at the homework that she had been assigned and the stack of paperwork from English. She didn’t have anything else to do other than study?

A sweet little shrill came from her phone, alerting her than she had a new message from someone. Sienna glanced at the phone, which had an unknown number on the screen, and unlocked it to see who it was from.

Hey grl! I was jst wndring if u wanted 2 come out tonite? There’s a club in the city that we all wnt to check out! Oh shit, this is Mackenzie btw, I bugged Abby 4 ur number after skwl.

A text from Mackenzie? She had only met the girl that day? Making friends with people was easier than Sienna had originally planned. She had to admit; she had never received a message from anyone with such bad spelling. She tried not to concentrate on the spelling and replied:

I don’t know… it’s a school night? Don’t your parents have a problem with it? And aren’t we underage?

Her phone shrilled again.

My ‘rents are out 4 the nite. And they let underagers in, as long as they dnt buy any drnks! So u up 4 it? C’mon it’ll b fun, newbie!

She replied again.

I’ll ask my dad and Portia.

As Sienna walked down the stairs, she felt almost nervous. This was only the second day she had even been in the country. Why on earth would Portia and her father let her go out on a school night? In a place she didn’t know, with people she hardly knew too. Honestly, she would mind it if they told her no, she’d totally understand their logic. So why had they said yes?

She made it to the living room where her father was flipping through channels aimlessly and Portia was reading a book. Slowly, she walked up to them and popped the question.

“Um,” She didn’t know how to start and who to look at, so she settled with the floor. “My new friends have asked me to hang with them tonight, and I was just wondering if I could go?”

She looked up through her lashes and saw Portia putting down her book and smiling at her father.

“Oh, Henry! Lets let her go!” Sienna realised Portia was more excited than she was.

Her father frowned and crossed his arms. “Sienna, it’s a school night. You’ve only just got here?”

Sienna opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Portia cut her off.

“Oh gosh, let her go Henry! She already has friends! And you know that she’s responsible.” Sienna didn’t know if Portia was helping or not. Did Sienna even want to go?

A dramatic eye-roll and a gruff voice came from her father. “I suppose. You have to be home before 12 young lady or…or your grounded. And no drugs. Or alcohol. Or boys!”

“Henry!” Portia said sharply.

Sienna didn’t know what to say. Was she glad? She supposed. Was she surprised? Yes. Was she confused? Definitely.

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