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Hey guys! Enjoyyy! :*


The group said goodbye to Candice and Jaxon, and Sienna and the others headed off to English. The corridors were filled with scrambling kids all heading every way to get to their classes on time.

Sienna realised for the first time that a lot of the girls weren’t necessarily wearing the uniform in the same ways and Sienna was. Most of the girls, including Mackenzie, didn’t have their skirts as low as Sienna did. Mackenzie had her skirt just below her thigh and her tie was loosely hanging around her neck. But Abby, she also noticed, was dressed a lot like Sienna. Her skirt wasn’t too short, hair was neat, she didn’t need to wear buckets of makeup and her tie was firmly around her neck.

The four of them stopped just before a door that was flooding with people walking inside. This must be my new English class then, Sienna thought.

“Damn, he’s not there yet.” Mackenzie frowned and put her hands on her hips like a child. “I’m going to be late to class if I stick around.” She huffed again, said goodbye to the rest of them, giving them all tight squeezes in the process, and then left them.

“She’s a little over-dramatic, don’t you think?” Abby asked as the three of them walked in and took some extra seats at the back of the room.

Sienna giggled and nodded in reply, taking her textbooks out.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to her. She’s the outgoing one of the group,” Added Leonard. “We are apparently the smart ones,” He used sarcastic quotation marks when he said the word smart. “says Kenzie. Candice is the…well she really loves hanging out with a lot of guys. Jaxon is the quiet, but apparently very popular with the ladies, one. Kenzie has this thing for Jax-“

“Leonard!” Abby wacked him on the arm, but it was too late, Sienna knew what he was going to say.

It was cute the way Abby and Leonard were together. They were obviously in love, well the high school kind of love anyway, and very similar to each other. Apparently, they bickered like a married couple too, but not so much that it hurt each other’s feelings. Now they were arguing about how Leonard talks too much and Abby was too uptight about everything.

Sienna realised that she was laughing at their argument and looked away towards the door just in time to see her new English teacher walk in.

Oh my god, Sienna thought to herself.

So the guy in the hallway wasn’t another student. He was her teacher. Sienna felt her cheeks burn and she looked down at her books. Oh god, she had thought this guy was good-looking!

What is wrong with me? Sienna asked herself.

The class had gone silent, other than the ruffling of books and pens when Sienna decided to look up again. And looked directly at Mr Jaye. Who was looking directly at her.

“Mr Jaye, I believe we have a new student.” Stated a pretty brunette girl in the front who turned around and pointed at her. The class turned to stare at her.

“Yes, I’ve noticed that, thank you Malory.” There was no sarcastic or mean tone to his voice, only politeness; the same politeness he used when Sienna accidently knocked into him. Although, this girl clearly didn’t mean this in a polite manner. “So, what’s your name?” He asked Sienna.

“Um, my name is Sienna, Sir…” She mumbled, feeling all eyes on her. Everyone suddenly started chuckling.

“Well, welcome to the class and St. Patterson’s. I’m Mr Jaye, but most students just call me Will.” He smiled at her and gave a small wink that nobody seemed to pick up on since they were all looking at her. “You don’t have to call me Sir either.”

“Oh. Well, thanks?” Responded Sienna, turning bright tomato again.

“Right, everyone back to your work, you have books to read and response questions to answer, get to it. Sienna is not a centrepiece for a museum. I don’t think she appreciates the staring.” The way he said her name gave little shivers all over her body and she smiled slightly.

Everyone turned around in their seats, except for the brunette in the front, Malory, who gave her a threatening look and a shake of her head.

One thing that was different about Sienna’s new school was the bell. It was weird to think that bells could be so different to each other, but it was true. So when the very high-pitched ringing alarmed out of nowhere, Sienna nearly fell out of her seat. No one seemed to notice but Sienna still felt like she’d turned bright crimson…again.

She grabbed her books are started stumbling out the door after Abby and Leonard when a voice came from behind her.

“Ah, Sienna?” It was Mr Jaye. “Would you mind staying behind?”

Sienna looked back at Abby and Leonard with a questioning look. They nodded and waved goodbye, heading out the door and leaving her with Mr Jaye.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Look I was just wondering about what you are up to in the curriculum? I’ve just noticed that you seemed to definitely know what you’re doing, almost like you’ve done it before?” Mr Jaye leant back of his desk lazily.

Sienna noticed the muscles in his arms flex as he leaned back on the desk. Sienna also noticed that she needed to stop perving at her English teacher.

“I studied Macbeth back in Australia. We spent a while on it, so I guess I know a little. We did a couple of essays on it and an exam…” She trailed off.

“Ah, of course. I guess Australia is a little ahead of our curriculum.” He turned and walked around his desk. “This is our next subject. There are notes and the next book. We’re doing Jane Eyre, well we were. I don’t think we’ll get around to it. So I want you to do it?”

Mr Jaye handed her the heavy stack of paperwork. His hand brushed against her fingers, lingering long enough for Sienna to slightly tremble. In the process of calming herself, Sienna’s leg brushed against his ever so slightly, giving shivers across Sienna’s body, and what looked like, Will’s too. Both of them stood close to each other. Close enough that Sienna could almost feel his sweet breath on her cheeks. Were they getting closer?

Shit, Sienna thought. Do something, Sienna! What are you doing?

“Ah…” Sienna tugged at her new pile of paperwork, which was still in Will’s grip.

He let go suddenly and stepped back as if coming out of a daze.

He cleared his throat. “So then, you’ll be ok with that work? You’ll be doing that in class while everyone is doing Shakespeare.”

“Sir- Um, Will,” That was weird to say. “I don’t know if I can do this? I mean, I’ve never done Charlotte Bronte before?”

“I believe you can do it. And if you have any troubles, just come to me…we can figure it out together.” He smiled at her which made a little knot in her stomach.

Sienna, you need to stop this. You’ve only just met the guy! And he’s your teacher! A very good looking teacher with a really nice smile and sweet breath and his lips look really soft, maybe if you just- NO!

A small nod came from Sienna and she grabbed her bag and headed towards the door. Just as she was about to hit the hallway, Will grabbed her hand.

“I’ve read your report card from your old school, Sienna. You seem to be one of the brightest students, well people, I’ve ever met.” He let go of her hand and turned towards his desk, leaving Sienna feeling as though her hand was still in his.

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