The Party (Part 2)

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Incoming!! Short chapter up ahead! I repeat- Short chapter up ahead!


“So you’re telling me that you’re not even slightly interested in at least one guy at St Patterson’s?”

Sienna had discovered the guys name to be Dylan and both of them had been playing question and answer for around half an hour, no one noticing where they were. Sienna was enjoying the company, although there was still something about the friendly stranger that she couldn’t put her finger on.

She shook her head and laughed, denying the question. Although, the answer was a lie.

“No one, huh,” He played with the brim of his empty cup.

“What about you? Do you have any love interests?” Sienna wiggled her eyebrows and crossed her legs over each other.

He laughed hard at the question for a moment and then sobered up fast. “No, I don’t have girlfriends,”

“Ah, you’re one of those guys.” Sienna nodded in understanding.

“What? You aren’t going to scold me for being a player?” He added quotation marks when he said the word player.

Sienna shrugged at him. “Its none of my business. What’s it to me if you sleep around?”

Dylan smiled a little grin at Sienna. “You know what, Sienna. I think you’re a cool chick,” He shoved her playfully again which made Sienna smile back at him.

There was a small voice coming from the lounge room that sounded like someone calling her name and Sienna’s theory was right when someone ran into the hallway where Dylan and Sienna were sitting.

“Sienna! There you are!” Mackenzie strode into the corridor; her movement wasn’t one of the most graceful kinds. “Where have you been?” And her speech was slurring with every word that came out of her mouth. “Why aren’t you dancing with me? I need my gal-pal!” She almost shouted at Sienna and grabbed her hand, trying her hardest to pull Sienna up to her feet.

Sienna looked to Dylan and gave him an apologetic smile, with a dismissive wave on his behalf.

“I’ll see you later then,” He suggested.

Sienna nodded at him and let her drunken friend pull her out of the quiet corridor and into thumping room.

It didn’t take long for Sienna to realise that the party was actually fun. Without even thinking about it, she had accepted a drink from Mackenzie, that wasn’t beer, and started dancing with the rest of the sweaty teenagers.
Soon Sienna started accepting any drink that Mackenzie shoved in her, and as each drink was gulped down, each face started to blur. Although Sienna remembered seeing familiar faces like Abby and Leonard coming into the crowded room.

“Sienna, are you ok?” She heard a familiar guy’s voice over the music, probably Leonard.

“Of course! This is fun!” She shouted back to the person with a grin plastered on her face, her dance moves not faltering.

“I told you that you’d have fun!” Mackenzie laughed, also dancing around.

Sienna hadn’t realised what she was missing before. The last time she had been drunk was back in Australia before her mother…

Sienna pushed away the thought and kept dancing. She suddenly felt two firm hands around her waist. All she could hope for was that it wasn’t Jaxon.
And it wasn’t.

It was Dylan. She smiled at the sight of him and hugged him tightly, unaware of the stares coming from her friends.

“So are you having fun now?” Dylan asked swaying to the music, his hands still on Sienna’s hips.

“Yes! This is great!” Sienna drunkenly giggled.

Dylan’s eyes shifted to Abby and then to Leonard who both had frowns on they’re faces. Sienna didn’t understand, had they met Dylan before?

“Leonard, Abby- how nice of you to come,” He nodded at the couple, a sly smile on his lips.

“We aren’t here for you, Dylan.” Leonard snapped in response. Well obviously they all knew each other if they knew each other’s names.

Sienna didn’t notice the hostile glances that were stolen between Abby, Leonard, Mackenzie and Dylan. And she didn’t care, as far as she was concerned, there could be a fight about to break out and she wouldn’t care. She was just enjoying to music thumping in her ears.

“Do you want another drink, Sienna?” Dylan looked away from the other three and tugged on Sienna’s arm softly.

She was about to respond with a very excited yes when Abby grabbed her arm firmly.

“Ouch! That hurted!” Obviously Sienna’s grammar was getting better by every alcoholic beverage she took.

“Sienna I think we need to leave,” Mackenzie stepped in, suddenly she wasn’t quite so drunk, but very serious.

“But I want to stay?” Sienna ripped her arm away from Abby, sluggishly. “I don’t want to go home yet!” She was getting slightly annoyed now.

“Yeah, she doesn’t want to go home.” Dylan stood in front of Sienna defensively. Sienna would’ve been flattered, if something hadn’t of suddenly swirled around in her stomach.

“Sienna, please?” Mackenzie poked her head around Dylan’s masculine body trying to reach for Sienna.

But Sienna backed away; she didn’t want to go home yet. She was only just beginning to have fun. The music was great, everyone was having fun and she wanted another drink.

“No,” She shook her head stubbornly and walked away, dragging Dylan along with her.

She almost thought she saw him smirk and wink at her friends in a way that made Sienna think that maybe walking away from her friends, wasn’t the smartest of ideas.

Instead of going to the kitchen where all the drinks were kept, Sienna found herself leading Dylan into the corridor that they first met in. She didn’t know why in her drunken state, but apparently she wasn’t thirsty anymore. They passed several couples making out against the walls and fell into a room at the end of the hallway. Sienna shoved the door closed and turned to Dylan who was standing in the middle of the room, a little stunned.

A dangerous smile appeared on Dylan’s face that made Sienna’s stomach spin and she didn’t know whether this spinning was a good thing or a bad thing. He grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed, where she landed on top of him.

Before she knew it, she crashed her lips onto his. She tangled her hands in his hair and rolled over so that he was lying almost protectively over here. His tongue lightly stroked hers as if asking for permission to enter, and Sienna allowed him. Both their mouths moved together in a tangled mess.

There was something about this boy that told Sienna that he was off-limits, like her was bad news. And she knew she shouldn’t go anywhere with him. But she couldn’t help it, the danger that came with kissing him was intoxicating.

And soon enough, Sienna’s dress was being tugged off above her head, and Dylan’s shirt was lying on the floor next to the bed…

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