Games Night

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“Did she behave?” Was the first thing Sienna’s dad asked when she and Portia walked through the front door.

“Yes, she was lovely,” Portia beamed, gliding her way over to where he was standing with her arms folded over his chest. “You had nothing to worry about. I think I might have to employ her again, actually.” She added, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Sienna turned away, feeling as though she was watching something she shouldn’t be seeing. And because she didn’t want to face the glare of her father, who was still pissed at her.
So she made her way up the stairs to her room, where she knew she wouldn’t see either of those images.

“Excuse me, young lady. Where do you think you’re going?” He almost shouted the question at her. Sienna had certainly forgotten how angry he could get.

Sienna turned around carefully, both afraid of his stare and worried she might fall down the narrow stairs. “Up to my room?” She pronounced it as though it was a question. Weren’t teenagers supposed to go to their room when they were grounded?

“No you’re not.” He stated bluntly. “We are having a family games night. And you’re going to enjoy it.”

“Oh, yay!” Portia bounced on the spot, clapping her hands.

Sienna rolled her eyes internally.

“What! No way! That’s so unfair!” Shouted Ivy at Sienna; her face turning a tomato red.

The game was Monopoly, the time was ten thirty, and the family was tearing apart.

There were red hotels and greens houses scattered everywhere among the board. Money had been thrown this way and that out of anger. And Sienna had a very sly smile strewn across her face. She couldn’t have been happier.

At the moment, she was winning out of herself, her dad, Ivy, Portia and Sally. She had somehow managed to get her hands on Park Lane and Mayfair, both of which took a great deal of bargaining to get. At first, she wasn’t too sure she made the right choice in buying them, but after her father, Sally and Ivy all landed on her hotels, she soon realised she had made the best choice of her life in the game of Monopoly. And she had no sympathy what-so-ever.

Sienna shrugged smugly, a grin plastered on her face. “Pay up, little sister.” She held out her hand to her sister, who slapped in away and crossed her arms over her chest.

“No.” She said.

“Why? Because you don’t have enough?” Sienna cocked an eyebrow. Everyone looked towards Ivy in expectation.

Ivy’s eyes narrowed into slits. She took out her money and started counting.

As her pile of money thinned, her face started dropping, dropping, dropping, until all light that was in her eyes had died. She didn’t have enough.

Ivy groaned angrily and slammed her money onto the coffee table. “This is totally unfair!”

“No, it’s not! This is the game,” Sienna said to her sister, gathering up all the money, even though it was around five hundred dollars short.

 “It’s ok, Ivy. She got us too,” Sally patted her friend on the back.

It was true. Sienna had got Sally and her father with the same trick, both putting up just as much fight as Ivy did. And Sienna was drowning in money. She just had one small problem to face.


Portia owned most of the board. From the light blue squares to the green squares. She even had the utilities and the train stations. The only places she didn’t own were the dark blue squares, the cheap brown squares and the pink squares, which, thanks to Ivy, Sienna now had.
It was now between Portia and Sienna.

Half way through the game, Sienna realised how nifty Portia really was at Monopoly. Portia was ruthless; a similar quality shared between them both.

Portia may have looked harmless on the outside, but she was deadly when it came to Monopoly.

So it was down to the two of them. Both Sienna and Portia tried to keep straight faces as they stared each other down. It was Portia’s turned. She was currently sitting on a chance square between her light blue properties, all of which had numerous hotels. She picked up the dice…and rolled.

It suddenly felt as though time turned to slow motion. The dice hit the board and landed on a simple three. The four other people gasped in relief as they realised she had landed on just visiting.

Anger and determination pulsed through Sienna’s veins. She suddenly felt the urge to crack her knuckles. She tied her hair up in a lazy bun and stretched as if getting ready for a fight.

She was currently sitting on free parking at the corner of the board; a win everybody shot death glares at her for.

Sienna picked up the dice and dropped it on the middle of the board. They spun in several directions until they landed on a six, putting her straight on Leicester Square that also had a hotel on it.  She groaned in defeat and paid Portia her money. Because it was a double, she rolled again.

Again, the dice landed on a double three, putting her to Oxford Street which had hotels on it as well. Sienna put her head in her hands and shook her head. This wasn’t happening.

Everyone else was smiling and Sienna’s pain; Portia was beaming.

Once again, Sienna paid Portia her money. Her once fat pile of money was now quite thin. This was stressful. She now knew what her fellow players were feeling when she dragged them down, leaving them with no money.

So this was it. The final roll. If Sienna rolled another double, she would be sent to jail. If she was to get four of more she would be safe.

She let go of the dice, covering her eyes in the process.

And everyone gasped. She had landed on the train station. Sienna moved her little thimble to the station with a groan and looked down at her money.

And realised, she only really had ones’ and fives’ left. She looked up at her audience, and everyone started laughing.

Sienna could almost feel tears prickling in her eyes.

“I WON!” Portia shouted, getting up to jump up and down.

Sienna put her face in her hands and everyone pointed at her and laughed; she had deserved it.

But she couldn’t help but laugh along with them. It had been the most fun she had had with her family in a long time and she wasn’t going to let that slide.

The only thing missing out of the night was her mum.

That night after everyone had gone to sleep, and Sienna was left alone to her thoughts in her room, she couldn’t help but think what a strange and busy day it had been. From the regrets on the previous night to the punishment of the previous night to the unexpected meeting with Will to the mesmerising kiss they had shared, which they shouldn’t have, to the great game of Monopoly with everyone.

It was weird; she didn’t know what to think of it all. But one thing was for sure:

She definitely could not get the kiss with Will out of her head. And she didn’t want to either.


Hey guys! So long since I updated, I know. And unfortunately i have no excuses this time haha.
Also, so so so so sorry about this chapter. This IS just a filler chapter. Boring, yes I know. But I had such bad writer's block that I just could not for the life of me, think of anything to write. So this is the result.
Thanks for sticking with me guys, love you all x

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