Into the unknown

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Song of the week: Magic Carpet ride- Steppenwolf

You watched as Blu and Susie began to talk, thought they were chatting a small ways away from you, so it was hard to hear. Perhaps they wanted to keep this "fun" a surprise?

You tilted your head in interest, Blu looked back at you and softly squealed to Susie,
You smiled and looked away in embarrassment.

You watched them talk for a while up until Blue came swimming over her head just slightly poking through the surface of the water.

"Soooooo, me and Susie have a great idea!"
Blu said

"What might that be?"
You replied chuckling

"Well we think you should be for the most part healed by tomorrow, so we thought as a little goodbye present. We would take you on a little adventure to the reef a few hours away!"
Blu smiled

The reef? As in a coral reef, you thought to yourself.

"Uuuh...w-wouldn't that be you know...dangerous?"
You replied

"Hahaha~ I can see why you would think that, you humans are so fragile after all, but no sweetie, I promise you'll be fine"
Blu said as she gestured crossing her heart.

"....Aight....L-let's do it"
You said reluctantly

Susie shouted from behind Blu

Blu gestured for you to come close to the small area of water where they sat. You obliged and slowly stumbled over as your left leg was still quite weak. Blue began to form that same weird bubble spell she used to get you to the cave, She gripped around your walls as she gently lowered you into the water, blue began to speed up taking you with her.

Her and Susie swam around you at frankly impressive speeds taking you into the beautiful reef


The day passed, You had recovered enough through the night for the long journey ahead of you

"...I still don't get why you must leave Y/N.."

Blu said with sadness in her voice

"It's not safe for you out there..."
Susie adds

"Guys I-I appreciate your concern but...I need to get my life back...or at least try..."
You replied

"But something could hurt you....again.."
Blu said

You sat in silence for a few seconds.

"I-I get guys care...and to be honest it's nice that someone isn't hurting me for once...but I still have so much to achieve, dreams....maybe a family one day...You both have been very kind to me but I can't just sit here and not try, not after I've survived this much..."
You said

"But how do you know there even a way to revert this predicament you've been subjected to? What if you can't go back
Susie replied, at first you didn't answer...

"Then I....I.....I don't know....but like I said I cant give up...not yet..."
You said replying with little confidence in your answer

Blu sighed, she smirked a bit

"You know you humans, are truly special full of life and determination..such a shame how some of you are treated...if you must go please take this"
Blu says handing you a small pack of items

"What are these?"
You say lifting it up

"Some things that might help you on your way"
Blu said

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