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My eyes open. Im back in my apartment?

"Oh thank god!"
You scream to yourself as you grip your head. You carefully remove your covers and move towards the window before opening the curtains. You cant wait to see the road and bus stop you were so accustomed to seeing, you never thought you would be this excited to see the mundane things in your life before. You spread the curtains open like opening a fresh book, And you see.....

"Wait a sec"
You say quietly to yourself

"No..Nonono no please!!"
You start to panic

All you see is a dark room  with a single light above you apartment. You hear stomping as Robin comes in to view

With the snap of her fingers the residence poofs into nothing and you fall on the flat wooden table.

Your jaw drips in horror as she slowly approaches you. But she doesn't have that sane sort of sweet charm, its a maniacal Cheshire cat like smile, her evil cackle becomes louder as her hand comes crashing down on you.
She tightens her grip as she brings you up to her mouth, her mouth slowly opening to reveal a wet maw.

"R-robin what a-are you doing!!!"
You squeak

She laughs once more
"Bye bye pet"
She says as the drops you, you scream as you fall down into her mouth.

You beg one last time

She closes her mouth an-

You wake up screaming
You breathe speeding up as you hold your chest.
Tears slowly starting to shed from your sleepy eyes.
Robin shoots up out if her covers after hearing your panicked squeak.

Her eyes darting towards her bedside table seeing you in your panicked state.
She says
Her eyes narrow onto you, her eyes like daggers staring at you

Her eyes widen
"Oh no, sweetheart d-did you have a nightmare?" 
She asks with concern
You looked at her with sadness, and lightly nodded your head

"Poor little munchkin"
She states as her hand lifts the top of the jar, she tips said jar over allowing you to gently slide onto her hand. The nightmare had scared you so much that you were practically paralyzed, unable to move, unable to speak, and unable to resist her soft hands.

As you rest in her palm, she brings you up to her soft cheek.
Pushing you into the softness of it rubs she gently rubs your back, the up and down motions were soothing and gentle as her palm smooshed you against her. It was warm and comforting almost like you didn't want to leave it ever.

"There there, its ok cutie"
She whispers, her voice like a sweet lullaby.

Just as it seems like it will never end, you hear a light sniff from her nose

"Whew, Munchkin you need a bath"
She says with laughter

"A w-what"
You say

"Oh don't be silly, cmon Ill join ya"
She says casually

Before you could object she jumps out of bed.
It felt like you were flying in a jet as she sped to the bathroom.
After entering she stopped rather abruptly.

"Ok Y/N time to get undressed~"
She coo's

Your face turns a bright red
"R-robin I don't think"
But before you could finish
She lifts you up forcefully taking your pants and shirt off.
Leaving you in your undies.

She blushes slightly and turns away. She begins to turn the on the water as it smacks the tub like a rolling thunder air strike.

You never thought about it before but everything sounds horrifying when you are this size. Made you almost feel bad for bugs.

"Oki doki, my turn~"
She says lustfully

She slowly unties her pyjama pants and lifts her shirt up to reveal a black mini bikini.

Your eyes widened once more to reveal her perfect hourglass shape.
She notices this
"What are you looking at pet~"
She says

You respond

A grin slowly stretches across her face.
She picks you up and plants you in the water. Robin then tactfully puts her foot in the water.
"Aaaaah~, perfect"
She says as she turns the knob to off.
The loud crashing stops as she sinks the rest if her body in the tub.

"Alright time for scrubbies pet"
She picks you out of the water and gently applies some strawberry scented shampoo in your hair, using her pointer finger she rubs it into your head, her soft finger creating the fluffy foam on top of you head.

Her palm lowers to the water and cups a small amount as she brings it up to your head, the carefully pouring it onto you.

You hold you breathe to make sure no soap got into your mouth, then shake your head violently to make sure no water went into your eyes. As you do this though you lightly sprinkle Robin with some tiny water droplets that seem to tickle her.

"Hehehe" she giggles
She then grab some body soap applying it  to you with a gentle touch causing you to shudder, she then repeats the water technique cleaning you off. You are then placed back into the bath.

"Now don't go swimming off now"
She says.

She begins to clean herself.
You stare at her with awe, she looks like one of those soap commercials, but this time you are the camera, Robin then turns around on her hands and knee leaving her behind in the wide open.

You think to yourself.

The day was slow after that nothing had really happened, once again you were just left in that damn jar all day again staring out the window wondering when or if you would ever see your home again.

A jarring situation Where stories live. Discover now