chapter 1

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Jill gets a frantic call from Brad. Before she can do anything Y/n comes through the wall.

Y/n in head: Hello! I would talk to you but I don't have lips. Let me help you up.

Y/n tried to grab Jill but she crawled away.

Y/n in head: Okay, you got it.

Jill ran out into the hall and closed the door. Y/n found his hand too big to use the doorknob, so he just went through the door. He ripped the door off and threw it to the left. Unfortunately that was the direction Jill was going.

She dodged the door and went into a different room.

Y/n in head: Oops. My bad.

Jill found her way to the floor below. Y/n fell through the floor in front of her.

Y/n in head: This is awkward.

Jill rolled behind him and crawled under some rubble.

Y/n in head: Am I really that scary? :(

Jill ran down the hall. Y/n chased her until she dove through the door and rubble blocked Y/n from following.

Later Y/n followed a helicopter to a parking garage roof. Suddenly it's tail exploded.

Y/n saw Jill get in a car.

Y/n in head: It wasn't me I swear.

Jill: It's my turn bitch!

Y/n in head: You're turn for what?

Jill proceeded to hit Y/n with a car sending them both flying off the roof.

Y/n got up

Y/n in head: Ow. I still feel pain. And pain hurts.

Jill crawled out of the car. Y/n walked towards her and the car exploded. He was now on fire.

Y/n in head: This hurts, but I have to look so cool right now.

Carlos: Hey fuckface!

Y/n in head: Hey! That's not nice!

Y/n caught a rocket getting shot at him. He failed to catch the second one and it hit him.

Y/n in head: Owie! I just want friends.

Later Y/n went through a wall and found Jill again.

Y/n in head: Oh. It's Jill.

Jill slid under his arm and ran away.

Y/n in head: But I got you a gift! :(

Y/n tried to cut Jill off. She dropped a grenade and kept running. Y/n walked right onto the grenade as it blew up.

Y/n in head: Why is everyone so mean to me?!

Jill ran into a building.

Y/n left the case he got for Jill in front of the door.

Y/n waited at a distance. He saw Jill open the door and notice the box. Jill opened it to reveal extended magazines for Jill.

She took them and went on her way.

Y/n in head: She liked my gift. :) Wait, she doesn't know it was me who gave it to her :(

Y/n found a different gift to give Jill.

Y/n began chasing Jill around again. Eventually making it near the subway. Y/n chased Jill unsuccessfully.

Y/n in head: I guess I really am that scary. :(

Later Y/n received a flamethrower from umbrella. He found Jill climbing up a later. He watched her reach the top.

Y/n in head: Look at what I can do!

Y/n shot the flamethrower in the air. Jill ran away.

Y/n accidently lit the entire building on fire.

Y/n in head: Not my greatest moment, not going to lie.

They both ended up on the roof.

Y/n in head: Now would be the perfect time to give her my second gift. Let me just *searches pockets* Where did I put it?

Jill started shooting the fuel tank on his back. It exploded.

Y/n in head: Well, it was probably for the best that I didn't have it anymore. I did kinda set this building on fire.

Jill got knocked off the roof but managed to land safely.

Later Y/n found her again. Getting a fresh drop from Umbrella.

Y/n in head: Oo, a present!

Y/n picked up the rocket launcher.

Y/n in head: Fireworks!

Y/n shot it in the air and was disappointed.

Y/n in head: It's just a rocket launcher
:( *realization* That's right! The present!

Y/n was going through a pocket when he noticed Jill run away.

Y/n: in head: Dang it. :(

Y/n chased Jill and thought it would be fun to shoot the big head off the toy uncle store. And it was. But then he noticed Jill was in it's path.

Y/n in head: Damnit!

Y/n jumped in front of the head and picked it up and tossed it away. Jill looked confused but kept running.

She made it to the train. But she wasn't the only one.

Y/n made it to the train as well. But he wasn't welcomed. Mikhail emptied a clip into him with no effect. So he had no choice but to blow the train.

Jill survived the explosion and so did Y/n.

Jill was on a bridge and watch Y/n walk out of a building on fire. Y/n jumped into the water to douse the flames. Then climbed back up. He made sure the gift was still okay which thankfully it was.

Y/n chased Jill to the clock tower. Jill had nowhere to go now.

Jill pointed her grenade launcher at him.

Y/n stuck his arms in the air as a surrender.

Jill: The fuck do you want from me?!

Y/n pulled a hip pouch out of his pocket and tossed it out her feet.

Jill looked at the pouch and began to laugh.

Jill: You got to be fucking kidding! *stops laughing* Oh god. Okay then big guy, if you're going to help me, I need to give you a name. How about Y/n?

Y/n nodded.

Jill: Okay Y/n. Let's...let's.

Jill then passed out. Y/n caught her as she fell.

Y/n in head: She's infected isn't she.

Y/n remember his secondary target. He was also supposed to find doctor Bard. To destroy his vaccine. But it definitely would take a while to find him.

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