chapter 14

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  The effort against the virus has  been fruitless.  Nothing has come up.  Amburo is the only lead but she doesn't talk.  

The only other chance they have is to find the source of the Virus.

This meant that they had to figure out what Umbrella knew.   Normally they can't send a team to attack an Umbrella base. But they can send Y/n.

Y/n is flown near the base. He is then ready to go on a killing spree. 

The Umbrella guards at the front stood no chance.  The alarm sounded.

Y/n broke into the facility.  He was met with guards and gunfire. The rounds went through him.

Y/n in head: Ow ow ow! Pain hurts-pain hurts!  

Y/n proceeds to kill the guards and look for information.   The guards were very annoying to him. Like fleas. 

Eventually he found where they were experimenting with the unknown virus.  

He smashed into the room and started to gather anything that looked important. 

But he didn't realize what he would exactly find.

He found a tape. He saw a tape player and decided to watch it.  

There was a scientist on the tape. He began to speak.

Scientist: Log number twenty. Humanity's evolution is nearly here.  I will make humanity invincible.  But there must be a leader. One that will last for a long time. I have grown too old for the role. So I will entrust the role to my daughter.   

Y/n began to think about what Wesker said.   But he was taken out of thought by a voice.

?: Seems I missed the party.

He turned to see a man with a black hoodie on

?: I wonder who you're with? It couldn't be Berman. 

Y/n stared at the man.

?: Not much of a talker? That's fine. It doesn't really matter.  Either way,can't let you walk away.

The man took off his hoodie, revealing his arms to be cased in a thick gray ooze.

?: Now then,let's see what you got.

The man lunged at Y/n and punched him in the face. Y/n took a step back.   Y/n returned the punch and sent the figure flying into the wall.

The man wasn't fazed and charged again. Y/n dodged the next attack and grabbed the man with a tendril and slammed him onto the ground.

Y/n in head: Man. This is a waste of time.  I got an outbreak to deal with.

The man's arms changed shape, they grew larger and his hands had claws.

Y/n in head: That's kinda cool. But I feel like that is used too much.

The man slashed at Y/n, cutting across his chest. Y/n healed instantly.

Y/n shot tendrils at the man, only for them to be cut to pieces. 

The man charged at Y/n. Y/n dodged and kicked the man into a wall. The man's limbs attached to the wall.  He began to climb up the wall.

Y/n in head: That's unfair! I want to do that!

The man launched himself at Y/n. But found himself grabbed and slammed onto the ground.

This wasn't going to end well for the unknown attacker. Y/n was made to be a killing machine.

The attacker realized his situation and escaped via air vent.

Y/n in head: I hate those vents.

Y/n was picked up and taken back to the BSAA HQ. 

Jill and Chris began to watch the tape.  Y/n was not there.  

The tape starts and a man appears.

?: My name is DR Baxter Alvarez. 

Jill: At least we got a name.

Baxter: I am very close to creating a superior human.

Chris: It's always about evolving humanity.

Baxter: Humanity has been divided for too long. With the technology we have now, we should be able to find a way to unify. But I have grown too old to be able to lead for a lifetime. So I must put that burden on my daughter, Amburo.  I have implanted a chip into her brain that will allow her to control the evolved.

Jill thought about Y/n.

Jill: *quietly* Shit.

Baxter: If something were to go wrong. If my calculations were wrong, there will be no choice but to remove the chip. Which can only be done, by killing her. The chip rests in the core of the brain, once removed from the brain, it will overload.  I have a special machine for it in my lab. 

The tape ends abruptly.

Chris: Fuck!

Jill: *saddened* Chris. We can't.

Chris: Jill. I don't want to either. But the virus is spreading. This will be our only chance to destroy it.

Jill: We have to tell Y/n.

Chris: Jill, he'll never agree to this.

Jill: I'll convince him. *sigh* Somehow. 

Chris: I'll leave that to you then. Good luck.

Jill: I'm going to need it.

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