chapter 4

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The city is under a full outbreak.  It only took three days for everything to go wrong.

Over a million people are infected by now.  The military have locked the city down. Nobody can get in or out. 

The A-virus has caused problems for even the tanks. Some of the zombies mutated into elephant like creatures.   The mutations also gave hardened skin, which made them more resistant to bullets.   The mutations occured at random. No one could know what animal parts a person could obtain from being infected. 

The city has become a warzone.  The police have a hard time not being pushed back almost constantly. 

Military support is hard to get from the air, since some zombies have mutated to have wings which means any helicopters are in danger.  

Ru briefs the trio on what they have to do.

Ru: Okay guys.   Their hitting hard today.  We got some really big ones at the east.

Jill: Y/n and I can handle that.

Ru: Good. Because Chris and I are needed at the north.   I hate splitting us up. But we are taking losses. 

Y/n in head: I wonder why they just don't have me go hunt the big ones down? It wouldn't be any problem at all.    Oh well.

Jill and Y/n set off for the east barricade. Vehicles were an asset. One that could only be used in emergencies.  Which means that they had to walk. 

They walked down the streets as they saw officers and soldiers  do the same, trying to get to where they needed to be.

Some had a different duty however.  The zombies try to use the sewer to move around the city.   Teams were sent into the sewers to deal with them and some were posted at manholes to intercept any that get through.  

There was also areas that refugees set up camps. Even the camps were guarded and the refugees made improvised weapons.  

Jill: All these poor people. Reminds me of RC.   They have nowhere left to go. 

Y/n in head: Whatever they are making over there smells good though.   Their position does suck. But at least they have good food to comfort them. 

It took a while, but Y/n and Jill arrived to the east fortification. A makeshift barricade of junk and some wrecked vehicles.  

The officers and troops there watched vigilantly for the next attack. And it would come soon.    

A horde of zombies approached the fortification. The defenders opened fire on the horde. 

Almost immediately, some of the bigger ones appeared. They were mutated to look similar to gorillas. They jumped up and over the fortifications.

Jill: Y/n! 

Y/n in head: This is going to be  so cool looking. :) 

Y/n dashed and the first one tried to meet him head on. They had a strength contest which Y/n won, Y/n  smashed the zombie into the ground.   The defenders glanced over at the show of strength in awe.

Y/n in head: I bet I look so awesome right now! :)  

The defenders continued their fire on the horde.   Y/n continued smashing his way through any zombies that hopped over the barricade.   But soon one of the elephant mutations appeared.  It smashed the barricade out of it's way.

Jill: Shit! Y/n, we need to take that one out!

Y/n nodded and charged for it. The elephant zombie charged at Y/n in response.  

Y/n gripped it by the tusks, it pushed Y/n back a few feet.   Y/n shot tendrils out of his arms into the eyes of the zombie, he hit the brain and shredded it. It fell down and died. Y/n pulled his tendrils out.    

The zombies were funneling through where the elephant zombie came from.  

Y/n looked around.

Y/n in head: Hmm? What do I use to plug that gap?

Y/n looked at a destroyed truck on the street.

Y/n in head: I'm so smart.

Y/n picked up the destroyed truck and slammed it into the gap. Crushing any zombies underneath it and effectively plugging the gap. 

The horde was dead a few moments later.

Jill walked up to Y/n.

Jill: Good work Y/n.

Y/n in head: Thanks. I thought the truck idea was pretty cool. I bet I looked super cool. :)

Jill's radio went off.

Ru on radio: Jill.

Jill: Ru?

Ru: Once you're done there, we need someone to check on one of the sewer teams. They went dark.

Jill: Got it. Y/n and I will get in the sewer and check on them. 

They went to a manhole. Jill immediately saw the problem.

Jill: There is no way you're going to fir down that manhole.

Y/n in head: Normally this would lead me to think you are calling me fat. 

Jill got on the radio.

Jill: Ru. There is no way that Y/n is going to fit in a manhole.

Ru on radio: Shit. Okay, the waste management building is nearby, they have a door into the sewer system.

Jill and Y/n found the building and went in. They went through the door and closed it behind them. 

They started searching the sewer for the missing team.   Eventually they found a severed arm, it had a sleeve from military fatigues on it.

Jill: Let's look for the rest of them.  

They continued searching and found no one. 

Y/n started to get nervous about the situation.  

Jill looked into the water. Y/n put a hand on her shoulder.

Jill looked at Y/n who scanned the area.

Jill: *jokingly* Worried about me big guy?

Y/n in head: Of course I am! I don't want someone eating my friend. Then I'd be sad. :(

Y/n suspicions were confirmed when a zombie with an alligator mouth jumped out of the water in front of them.  Y/n moved Jill aside and took the bite to the arm. 

Y/n in head: OW! THIS HURTS SO BAD!  But I must look so badass!

Jill got under them and shot the zombie under the mouth through the mouth and through the brain, killing it.   Y/n threw it aside and look at his arm.  

Y/n in head: I wonder if this'll change me in any way. Maybe.

Jill: Shit.  Sorry Y/n.

Y/n in head: It's okay friend. I forgive you.

Jill and Y/n went back to the station where Y/n was given the antibody. Y/n took it, luckily it had no effect on the T-virus in him.

But there are still more zombies and more problems.


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