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Shannon POV

"i'll be there in 5!" i said as i put the phone down.

I was in an Uber with Jess and Zoe on the way to the party when Alice rang. Alice was someone who i met a few months ago, and we kind of hit it off, but i have been very reserved when it comes to relationships so i'm just taking it one day at a time.

Anyway, Alice was having a party to celebrate her birthday, and we were all on the way there, but we were running late which is why Alice rang

Because we were still in the beginning phase of our friendship or whatever this was, i hadn't yet met many of her friends, only really her inner circle, and tonight was a bigger event so more people would be there.

Despite that, i thought i had a vague idea of who her friends were from who she mentioned and talked about, which is why my jaw dropped when we walked into the apartment to see Bobby there.

Bobby was Cari's brother, my ex's brother.

Cari and I dated for four years, and so i obviously got very close with her family, as she did mine, including our siblings.

He hadn't noticed me when i walked in and i managed to hide myself by finding alice and giving her a hug. 

I was really confused, what were the odds of this happening, how did Alice know him?

After a few minutes of talking to various people, i made my way over to bobby, who had finally noticed me.

I ummed and arred over whether i should talk to him or not, but figured it would be weird if we both just pretended we didn't know each other all night

"hey stranger" he said as i approached him

"fancy seeing you here" i replied, hugging him awkwardly 

We talked for 10 minutes, just a surface level catch up, until alice came over

"hey, do you two know each other?" she questioned

"yeah, Shannon dated my sister for quite a long time, she was practically part of the family"

You could tell that made Alice a bit uncomfortable but how was Bobby to know

"oh, what? no way! small world" alice said after a couple seconds of silence

Turns out Bobby and Alice went to college together and they were in the same circle. That will probably make things weird if anything progresses between Alice and I.

"how come you're in LA Bob?" i asked

"the whole family is, actually, we all came out to visit Cari and it was nicely timed with Alice's birthday. mom and dad are only out for a few days but im planning on sticking around and hanging out with cari for a bit"

"oh that's nice, yeah, cari, how is she?" i asked in the least weird way possible

Cari and I broke up a few years ago now. We haven't talked since. The only way i could get over her was to cut her off completely, so that was what i did. This was the first i had herd of her since.

"she's okay. Focused on her music. I don't want to speak on behalf of he though. If you really want to know you can look her up."

Was Bobby trying to tell me something or was i just reading into things. Was he asking me to reach out to her? Was he hinting that she wasn't doing very well?

After that conversation Bobby and I went our separate ways and didn't interact for the rest of the night

I mingled and talked to most people there, but it all got a bit overwhelming. Everyone who knew anything about my history wanted to know what was said when i was speaking to Bobby, which wasn't idea, so i decided to call it a night.

I ordered and Uber and headed out with Jess and Zoe who could tell something was up.

When i got home i just went straight to bed, it was only 11pm, but i had a lunch event the next day so had to be up for that .

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