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Shannon POV

We soon arrived at the AirBnB, but not soon enough. Cari and i didn't say a word to each other for the rest of the journey. this was going to be a long trip if she keeps this up.

"do you want to take our bags in now or go say hi first?" i questioned cari before we got out of the car

"i dont mind, whatever works" she responded quietly before going to get out of the car

Instinctively, i locked the doors just in time so she couldn't get out

"what did you do that for?!" cari said raising her voice at me

"we haven't even properly arrived yet and we are already arguing? maybe this wasn't a good idea. we were fine the other week, what's changed?" i said trying to make eye contact with her, but she kept looking in every direction but towards me

"cari, look at me, it's going to be okay" i continued, grabbing her hand, noticing that tears were collecting in her eyes

She still remained silent

"i can't help if you don't talk to me, and i'm trying really fucking hard here, cari, please just give me something to work with"

"just stop. stop treating me like you owe me something. stop acting like everything between us is okay. stop caring about me. i broke up with you. you were nothing but good to me and i threw that away, so you don't get to be your usual perfect self and treat me well when i fucked everything up."

she pushed my hand away. I didn't really know what to say

"can you unlock the door. i'll get my bags later"

Cari POV:

I wasn't expecting to blow up like that, but i couldn't take it anymore. Shannon treating me like i'm a good person wasn't right. I broke her heart, and everything we had built. I don't get to be treated like a good person, especially by her.

Shannon didn't say anything after my speech, she just looked shocked. I got out of the car and wiped the tears, ready to put on a happy face for Alex and everyone who was already here.

"the life of the party has entered the building. Alex's birthday officially starts now" i shouted as i walked into the house

i didn't quite receive the response i had hoped for, all i got was a half hearted cheer from Alex. i think people were more interested in how the drive up here was for me and shannon.


A few hours later, and a few drinks later, we had all settled in and were getting ready to go out for dinner.

Shannon and I had been giving each other a wide birth, and haven't spoken, except when she asked me to pass her the salt earlier.

"i thought you and shannon were good, what changed" Alex asked walking into my room as i was getting ready

"we were, we are, i don't know, i just said a few things and she said a few things and now neither of us really know what to do or how to act"

"what did you say?" alex was intrigues

"she just wanted answers to questions that i didn't have, and i had a go at her for being so nice to me, i don't deserve that, after everything i have put her through"

"hey sis how you doing" bobby said, joining the conversation, barging into my room

"can everybody stop asking that, i'm fine! and if you could all let me get dressed now i would appreciate that too"

i didn't mean to flip out at them both, but i was getting really fustrated. i knew in the back if my mind that i had to fix this with shannon, or it wouldn't be a very enjoyable 4 days for anyone, but figured i should get a few shots in me first.

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