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Cari POV:

"cari, you came home just in time, we have a week filled with lot's of activities" dad said as we were all sat in the kitchen

"the way you say activities make it sound like torture" i respond

"no, well we have Grandma and Grandpa's wedding anniversary party, Uncle Tom's birthday, we are having the Johnson's for dinner on thursday, and i'm popping to New York on friday if you want to come"

"kinda just want to cry in bed all week" i replied

"nope, nope, nope, we don't have time for crying and feeling sorry for yourself, like i said, it's a busy week, and your attendance is required at everything" dad said, trying to get me to pick my mood up.

"can you go and get changed aswell, you look like a mess, i want you to come to the store with me" mom said

i slowly dragged my feet along the floor to my bedroom and quickly put on some less sloppy clothes. when i returned mom was already waiting for me in the car

"what do we even need from the store, the fridge is full" i say

"you will see"


Shannon POV

"do i unfollow her" i ask Jess

Cari unfollowed me a few days ago, but i couldn't bring myself to unfollow her, but now i think that i should

"are you ready to cut that tie?" jess responded

"yea, no, i don't know. i've got too many differing opinions. one part of me never wants to see her, speak to her, or hear her name ever again, whereas the other still loves her so much and wants to hear what she has to say."

"it's only been two days, maybe let it sit for a bit before you do anything drastic"

all i could think about is that i want answers. what the hell was she doing. i think it might be over for good, and there is no future between us, and as much as that sucks, i think it's for the best.

Text from Alex:

Peach: Hey, i'm really sorry about the other day, do you want to come over and talk about it? Cari has gone back to New Jersey for a bit so won't be here

Shannon: Okay, i'll be over in an hour

it wasn't fair for me to take this out on Alex. She's one of my best friends and i don't want to lose her. i cant blame her for this.

As i approached Alex's door i was getting flashbacks of that day.

i took a deep breath before i knocked. i knew that Cari wasn't going to be there, but i was still scared if i was going to walk into anything.

"coming" alex shouted from inside

she opened the door and i went in and sat on the sofa. the same sofa that cari was cuddling some other person on.

"i just want to say that i should never of let it happen, it was fucked up of me, i should of looked out for you -"

"it's okay, alex" i cut her off

"we both know what cari can be like, it's hard to stand up to her sometimes, and its' best not to ruin something that she's doing" i say

"how are you doing, anyway?" alex questioned

"been better. i dont really know to be honest. part of me hates her and never wants to speak to her again, put a line through that part of my life you know, but i still love her, and i want to be with her, so its hard. i just don't know what the best thing to do is"

"yeh, i get you, just don't make any rash decisions or do anything stupid that could fuck this all up further. wait for her to contact you" alex said and i nodded

"well i waited for her to text me last time, and look what happened" i laughed through the pain

"she unfollowed me, you know, that's why i came over that day. she's fucking with my head and i just want to know where i stand"

"if your that desperate for answers, just call her. no point being left in the dark forever" alex said, boldly

"i don't know what i'd say. I don't want to always be the only one fighting for this, she needs to make the effort to reach out too sometimes"

"just call her shannon, if you wait for her, you might be waiting all year."

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts till i found her: Cari Fletcher

i stopped and looked at alex before i pressed the call button, and she nodded in response

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