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Two weeks later

Cari POV:

"You better be packing Cari!" Alex shouted from across the living room

I wasn't. Shock. I hate packing. 

We leave for San Fran early tomorrow morning. It's currently 11pm. I should pack and get to bed, but i'm lying on my bed with all sorts of thoughts in my head.

I was about to spend the next 4 days with my ex girlfriend. Not an ideal situation.

After another 10 minutes of feeling sorry for myself, i started packing, intil i got disturbed by a text from shannon

Shannon: Hey, just wanted to check in, are we going to be okay this weekend?

I was glad that she was cautious of me, of us.

Cari: Yes, i'll be fine as long as you will be. Excited to see you!

Was that too much? i don't know. i threw my phone down onto my bed in angst.

I soon finished packing and checked my phone again hesitantly.

Shannon: Great, do you want to drive up together? feel like we should talk and settle everything properly before we get there. I've got some things to get off my chest.

Something about that idea filled me with so much anxiety, but at the same time, i knew it was something we needed to do. I had some stuff i needed to talk about too.

Cari: Sounds good, see you in the morning, pick me up? I think Alex is driving up with Bobby and Bec, so i'll just hop in with you.


"Alex i just agreed to something and now i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight." i said storming into Alex's room, where she was packing.

"what have you done"

"i'm driving up tomorrow with Shannon. We both figured we had some shit to talk about and clear the air."

"that's not that bad of an idea, why are you panicking. and can you please sit down. you're stressing me out"

By this point i was pacing up and down Alex's room.

"sorry. Its not bad, its good, i just need to figure out what i'm going to say."

"notes, write some notes" alex said jokingly

"i know youre being sarcastic, but thats not an aweful idea"

10 stressful minutes later i called it a night. tomorrow was going to be a long day and i needed to give myself the most chance of sleep it could get.


Shannon had sent me a text to say that she was on her way. Alex had just left with bobby and Bec. 

After all my nerves last night, for some reason i didn't have any this morning. i was looking forward to seeing shannon.

Although, i  did keep myself up for a while trying to figure out what i want. I figured i need t put all my cards on the table with Shannon today, but i didn't exactly know what those cards were.

The main question running through my head was whether or not i wanted to get back together with her.

I loved Shannon with all my heart, and i will always love her, but i still don't know if i'm ready for the long haul yet. Or if that is what she wants for that matter.

Soon enough Shannon was knocking on my door and then we were starting our 6 hour journey with nothing but the two of us


We were now halfway into our journey. We had spent most of it just making small talk or listening to music, both of us avoiding the big questions, until Shannon asked the biggest question of all

"what happened between us"

"what do you mean, you know what happened, right person wrong time" i responded

"what about now, is it still the wrong time?"

Was this a hint at her still being in love with me? what did she mean by that? Why was she doing this to me


"what, i'm sorry if i'm being blunt or straight to the point, but i'm being serious, i haven't spoken to you in 3 years, i do have some questions"

We sat in silence for the next half an hour, neither one of us wanting to talk.

Shannon POV:

i had so many questions for Cari, but she wasn't willing to open up and talk about them and it was so frustrating

We haven't spoken for three years. she can't expect me to spend 4 days with her and pretend like we didn't date for 4 years and that she's not the love of my life

"if you're not going to talk about it then what was the point of driving with me, you agreed that we had things to talk about"

Cari didn't answer, she just shuffled in her seat and looked at her hands. This was going to be a long rest of the journey.

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