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Shannon POV:

"so shannon, how do you know Alice again" Bobby asks me, in front of everyone, thanks Bob

"oh, yeah, alice, we met through mutual friends, there isnt really anything going on there though"

I looked over at cari, who was also sat around the table during this conversation, but when i made eye contact she looked at her phone, i could tell she was uncomfortable

"what's this? shannon has a new girlfriend?" carter then said

i dont think anyone was very good at reading the room, this was such a bad topic to discuss, especially with Cari right there. i'd hate to sit here whilst everyone talked about her love life

"no, no, nothing like that" i replied hastily

"anyway, does anyone want a drink?" i said standing up and heading inside to the kitchen to end the conversation

i decided to hover inside and avoid going back out, so that i could make sure they had changed the conversation so i dont get interrogated again.

Cari then came inside to get a drink

"sorry about that" i said, placing my hand on hers

"its okay, i'll just talk about all my pervious flings tomorrow" she responded, smirking

"have there been many?" i questioned


"yes, sorry, no talking, got it" i smiled, and went back outside


Cari POV:

Well that was uncomfortable, i think bobby was just looking for my reaction, that's what brothers do.

He didn't get one

I knew shannon had seen people, i've seen people, it was nothing new to me.

When shannon came and rested my hand on mine in the kitchen, i felt safe. I don't really know what is going on between us, and i don't think that she does either, but i do know that she makes me happy.

i was spaced out, thinking, until Carter and Alex started shouting, they were drinking, of course, and discussing something stupid

We were going out soon, it was Alex's birthday tomorrow, and so we wanted to see it in at midnight

"we have one uber coming now, and the other should be here in 5 minutes" i say

"well i'm not ready yet, so i'll get the 2nd one" shannon says

"shannon not the first one ready? rare" i joke

"but, neither, i still need to do a few things, i'll take the 2nd one too" i say, looking at shannon

everyone else was already ready, so it was just Shannon and I waiting for the second uber once everyone had left

I didn't realise everyone had left, i was in my room finishing my makeup, until shannon came in

"hey, uber is running late, should be 15 minutes" she said, sitting on my bed. 

i didn't turn to look at her, i just looked at her through the reflection in the mirror

"oh, great, okay, well i'm done here" i said, standing up and walking over to my bed and to where shannon was sat

"im ready to talk" i say, after taking a deep breath

Shannon looked me in the eyes and took my hand

"we don't have to do this now if you don't want to"

"just let me get everything  out there, and we can go from there"

Shannon nodded

"i loved you, i love you, always have, always will, you know that. We didn't break up because one of us did something,  or we fell out of love, you also know that. I just was at a different point in my life than you. I wasn't sure if i was ready to settle down and live happily ever after for the next 50 years. i still had things i wanted to do and explore, and i chose that over my love for you, and ive hated myself every day since"

"cari, it's ok" shannon said, wiping my tears away "i know you hate yourself for that, and i can't do anything about that, but just know that i never hated you, not once"

"our uber is here, way to ruin the moment" i say, half sniffling, half laughing

I stood up and headed to the bathroom, to fix any makeup smudges from my crying, and cari headed to the front door

"right, are we ready" i say approaching shannon

She reached out her hand and placed it on my cheek as i got close enough

"i love you, cari, and i don't know what that means for us, but i just want you to know" she said

"i love you too. fuck, why do we have to be so complicated" i say before shannon kisses me

we headed out to the uber and headed off to the bar to meet everyone else

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