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Cari POV:

"right, you've been in bed all day, time to get up" shannon said storming in

"yes, yes, i'm up" i said sitting up in my bed"

i looked at my phone on my bedside table. 2pm. shit. We are heading out in an hour, i really need to get in the shower

"right, i'm showering, any chance you can make me some food for when i get out?" i said, fluttering my eyes at shannon who was sat on my bed resting her hand on my thigh

"yeah sure, but don't take too long, we only have an hour"

"also, has alex said anything about what she saw this morning?" i asked, kind of nervous

"no, she hasn't mentioned it. do you think we should say something?"

"i'm not sure, i don't really know what we would tell her, i don't even know what is going on here" i said

"i thought you were happy with that? going with the flow? just figuring stuff out? has something changed?" shannon questioned

"yeah, i am, well, i was, when it was just us two, because we are on the same page. i guess i just don't want people to keep asking what's going on because that will stress me out and make me feel like we have to have the answer"

"only alex knows and we can keep it that way. she won't expect answers and thats okay. we will be going home tomorrow anyway and then we can sort it all out back home, just you and me." Shannon reassured me

Shannon always knew what to say. i am thankful for her

I was soon out of the shower and heading to the kitchen where Shannon was waiting for me with some food.

"you look like death" bobby said

"love you too Bob!" i replied

Shannon POV:

"right, we are leaving, is everyone ready" alex said as she stood by the door with a handful of bags full with her presents that we are opening later

"yes, mom, let's go" cari replied

She was just in front of me, and turned with a smirk on her face as she walked through the door to the Ubers

"cari, bec, bob and carter go in that one" alex shouted as we hovered outside of the Ubers

"you should be a kindergarten teacher or something, Alex" 

Everyone laughed

Soon we had arrived at the boat and were loading ourselves up

we weren't spending very long on the boat, only an hour ish, and then we were heading to get some food before going back to get ready for the gallery tonight.


Half an hour later, Cari decided to make a speech to Alex, it was her birthday of course, so she stood up from across from me and started to cough to get everyones attention

"speech time baby" carter shouted

"dearest Alex..." cari started and finished by asking everyone to raise their glasses for her best friend

"to alex, the greatest human alive" cari toasted

Cari sat back down, next to me this time, and we began to talk whilst everyone went back to their own conversations

"that was a really nice speech" i said

"did you like the bit about her keeping all me secrets?" 

"yes, and how you looked at me during it" i responded

car started shifting uncomfortably, but i didn't really know what she was trying to do, so i ignored it and carried on talking

"you excited for tonight?" i asked

"i am, actually, i enjoy an art gallery" she responded

Cari then sat still, but put her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder

"cari..." i said, slightly concerned. i could sense that everyone had noticed 

"it's ok, shan, i'm not going to pretend anymore"

i was relieved when cari said that, maybe this would be the start of our next chapter. 

i let out a deep sigh of relief and kissed her on the top of her head whilst also putting my arm around her. this felt just like old times


"i will not be drinking anywhere near as much as i did last night" cari said in the back of the Uber. we were on our way to the art gallery.

"so are we going to talk about this?" bob said, nodding towards cari and i. we were sat with out hands interlocked on cari's lap. at this point, we wern't trying to hide anything

"i'll let you know once we figure it out" cari replied with a smile and squeezed my hand

soon we arrived and rolled out of the uber

I don't really know why Alex chose to go to an art gallery but it was really cool

Cari and I walked around hand in hand, admiring all of the artwork, and unknowingly, discussing our future. 

Every once in w while on of would say something like "oh i love that" and the other would reply with "we can put it in our house when we move in"

neither of us mentioned what we were doing, but i know we were both aware

we were at the gallery for about two hours, and then decided to call it a night, so we all headed home, we had to leave early the next morning, cari had some meetings she needed to get back for, so i offered to get up and drive her back.

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