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Cari POV

"3.....2.....1...." everyone shouted

"happy birthday alex!" the exclamation came from all directions

Alex always liked to go big on her birthday, and i didn't stop her, we egg each other on.

Alex, Carter and I ended up getting back to the house at 5am, some of the others went back earlier, including Shannon.

I have no idea how i got home, or who with, only that i woke up with Shannon in my bed the next morning

Shannon POV

Most of us had called it a night at about 3:30, but Alex and Cari of course insisted that they were going to stay out, which i had no problem with.

When i got home i decided to sleep in Cari's bed, because i knew she would never make it to mine, and i wanted to make sure she was okay.

I had no idea when she was going to be home, so i didn't really fall sound asleep until i heard her slam the door and fumble a few of her things at around 5

she didn't realise was in here until i good out of bed and followed her to the bathroom, where she was attempting to brush her teeth and take her makeup off, but it wasn't going very well.

"oh hey" she said with her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth 

"were you in my bed" she said, smiling, as i put the toilet lid down before sitting on it

"yes, i wanted to make sure you got back safe" i said, gripping her hand softly

Finally, after about 15 minutes, she managed to finish brushing her teeth and met me in bed, where she fell asleep almost instantly.

This time, we didn't agree to set an alarm to make sure that i was out of her room by the next morning, we would cross that bridge when we got to it, and, cari wasn't really in the right state of mind to remember important things like that.


The next morning i got up at about 10am, and slowly crept out of Cari's room with no one noticing. I don't think anyone else was awake which helped.

I decided to run down to the store and pick up a few things for Cari when she woke up, i knew she would be rough.

20 minutes later i returned and this time the house was a bit more lively. Both Bobby and Bec were now awake and in the kitchen, but they did not appear to be thriving

"how are you two this morning?" i asked, smirking

Bec just looked at me through her sunglasses, not saying a word, and bob just groaned

"that's what i thought" i said laughing

"anyone else up?" i asked

They both shook their heads

"not in a talkative mood. got it. i'll just leave you too it" i said, heading towards Cari's room

"you awake?" i said quietly as i entered the room

"no" she replied pulling the covers over her head

"well, i brought you some pedialyte and some other stuff, i know you're gonna want it" i said placing the bag of goods on the floor next to the bed

"you did?" she replied in a soft voice

"yes" i said, taking my shoes off and getting under the covers and cuddling up to her

"how are you feeling?" i asked

"shhh, just hold me" she said, taking my hand in hers

We both fell back asleep almost immediately in each others arms

Neither of us really knew what was happening, in general, and between the two of us, but that didn't bother us, we were happy in our own little world for now

Our bubble was burst, and our secret was no longer our secret, when Alex decided to walk in.

"what the fuck" she shouted

"too loud, turn it down" cari responded

"oh, shit, hi alex" i said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes

"oh no" cari said from under the covers, finally realising what was going on

"fancy seeing you here shannon" alex said, getting into bed on the other side of me

"happy birthday?" i remarked, not really knowing what to say

"is this a thing?"

"no, and you're not going to make it a thing, Alex, this is for me and shannon to figure out, and no body was meant to know, so thanks" cari said, still under the covers

"someones chirpy this morning" alex laughed

"yeah, what she said" i commented

"so whats the plan for today?" i questioned

"oh, that's all we are saying about this? got it. Well, i, as well as cari here by the looks of it, need a bit of time to recover, but we are going on a boat this afternoon, then an art gallery showing tonight, so sober up ready for then" alex replied

"perfect, i'll have cari in one piece by then" i smiled

"yes, you better. Right, i'll leave you two to whatever this is, if i wasn't so hungover, more answers would be needed, but you're voices annoy me, so you got off lightly" alex said leaving the room

i smiled and cozied back up to cari who hadn't really moved this whole conversation

"wake me up in a few hours" cari whispered"

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