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Shannon POV:

I started shaking and panicking. I was trying to escape but that didn't go to plan. 

"oh, cari, hi, sorry, i thought this was my Uber"

As i said that i checked my phone to see where my driver was.

"cancelled. great. fuck, i didn't mean to say that out loud" i was so stressed that i was all over the place. it wasn't even late, i hadn't been drinking, but i just couldn't control what i was saying

"you're uber driver cancelled?" cari asked

"yeah, but dont worry i'll just order another" i replied, calmly this time

"you can just share mine, your house is on the way, right?"

"actually i moved, but yes its still on the way." i replied, and it made it kind of awkward

"can one of you please just get in, i've got other places to be" the uber driver shouted through his window

"sorry, im coming" cari said, before asking if i was getting in

For some reason, without hesitation, i got in. 

We were silent for the first few minutes util Cari broke it

"so, you moved house?"

"yeah, a couple months back, its a cute little bungalow" 

After the initial awkwardness, we got really comfortable with each other again. It was as if we hadn't not spoken for the past 3 years.

All journey our uber driver was asking us some really weird questions, and so when we arrived at my house 40 minutes later, i didn't feel comfortable leaving cari with him alone, so i made her get out. I decided to text her, because i didnt want to say it out loud, or he would hear

Shannon: This driver is a creep, i don't want you driving home with him alone

Cari: Shan, I'll be fine, he won't do anything, and it's only 10 minutes 

Shannon: No, no point risking it, when we get to mine you're getting out too, and we can have a drink and order you another 

Cari: okay

Cari: but he's expecting me to pay him to take me the full way to mine, we can't just stop the journey short

Shannon: okay, ill come with you to yours then, then figure it out from there

So that was the plan. I was going to Cari's apartment with her. It wasn't long until we passed my house and i realised what i was doing. For some reason i didn't really think. it was my natural instinct to protect cari.

Soon we arrived at cari's apartment

"oh, by the way, Bobby is in town, and he's got some friends over so the apartment might b busy but we can go to the roof or something"

"yeah, i actually ran into Bob yesterday, small world"

I said that as soon as cari opened the door to her apartment, and i was not expecting to see Alice standing right in front of me.

"shannon?" she said questioningly

"alice, funny seeing you here" i said, faking a laugh

"shan i'm gonna go get changed, do u want to borrow some sweats?" cari said, but i had kind of fozen, this was not a really a situation you want to be in. Imagine being in the same room as your ex girlfriend and the girl you are kind of seeing, but neither of them know about it.

"oh, uhm, yeah, i'll come up in a second"

Bobby could sense the awkwardness here, so he went off to the bathroom. There were other people in the room, but no one really payed attention to what was going on.

"what are you doing here shannon?" alice asked

"oh, cari was at my event, and we ended up sharing an Uber, and our driver was a bit of a creep so i didn't want her finishing the journey alone, so here we are"

She just looked really confuesed, so i decided to dip from that situation and head upstairs to Cari and put some comfier clothes on.

I was wearing a dress, and everyone who knows me knows i hate dresses, and the sooner i can take it off the better.

"hasn't changed a bit" i said entering Cari's room, making her jump

"shit, shannon, you scared me. Here, take these, pretty sure that jumper is yours anyway"

We both smirked and cari headed downstairs whilst i changed.


Cari POV:

I left Shannon in my room to get changed and headed downstairs, but Bobby stopped my in my path

"what is shannon doing here?"

"long story, creepy uber driver, don't worry, we wont interrupt, we are going to head up to the roof and have a drink" i replied

"no, it's not that, it's just alice is here"

Bobby said that expecting me to know who that was, but i diddnt. so i just stood with a blank expression on my face

"she's kind of half seeing shannon, i only found out yesterday. i wouldn't of invited her if i knew you two would be coming home"

"oh, i didnt know she was seeing anyone. It's fine"

What did i think, shannon had stayed single for the past 3 years? no. but i didn't expect her to be seeing anyone, especially someone in my apartment right now, that i had never met before.

i'd by lying if i said it didnt hurt.

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