11→ Protect the traitor

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Twitch + narrative

It was a big day for the DreamSMP. The Manburg festival had finally arrived and everyone was preparing for the big lore event.

Currently, Genevieve sat in a call with some of the members of Pogtopia, this included: WilburSoot, Tommyinnit and Tubbo. The group were mostly talking about their parts and how to act out certain bits of the script given to them. Yet, the lore conversations didn't last long and were replaced with random topic presented either by Tommy or Will.

"I'm still mad at you for not being able to visit me on Halloween. It's always our time to get drunk and laugh at children as they waited for me to answer the door." Will moaned like a child not getting their way. He had brought it up before and now he brought it up for the third time hoping it would magically help the situation.

"I can't control when I have exams and you acting like a child doesn't help. We'll just have to do it through discord and I'll visit at the end of November." Genevieve explained.

"I think you should ditch Wilbur and meet up with me. I'm so much cooler than him." Tommy intersected the conversation.

"What makes you think I want to meet up with you, Will told me you could be very annoying." Genevieve teased, knowing the teenage would turn to her cousin.

"What the f*ck? Bubbles don't listen to Wilbur, he's talking sh*t!" Tommy raised his voice, making Genevieve turn the boy down in the call. "Besides don't I live closer to you?"

"I think so. I live in the north east... but that's not a good enough reason." Genevieve replied, knowing she was busy even if it was a shorter journey. "But I would meet Tubbo in a heartbeat." The boy cheered at the statement.

"Of course you would, who wouldn't?" Wilbur commented before each of them got separate messages on discord. "Sh*t we were supposed to be on ten minutes ago."

"Delaying streams is out talent." Genevieve commented before leaving the call to start her stream and posting on Twitter about that stream.

Bubbles | @itsbubbleshere
I was invited to a festival that you could watch live now?
💬 58k ♻️ 20.5k ♥️ 712.4k

User | @User1
Replying to @itsbubbleshere

User | @User2
Replying to @itsbubbleshere
Manburg festival!

itsbubbles is live: An interesting celebration

Genevieve was told what Wilbur was going to do. Would he go through with it? That was another thing to ponder on.

She wasn't sure if she had to warn anyone, yet there weren't many on Pogtopia's side. There was Niki but Genevieve assumed Will would protect the girl. On the other hand there was Karl. She wasn't sure if he would show up to the festival but one thing she knew was Will definitely didn't say anything to him as he wasn't on their side. However over the few weeks of being here, Genevieve and Karl had formed a friendship and she knew the boy meant no harm.

If Wilbur went through with his plan, she would protect Niki and Karl.

Genevieve made her way to the outskirts of Manburg where she was meeting Technoblade, hopefully seeing Will and Tommy there but the two boys probably had rushed off somewhere they couldn't be spotted.

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