Chapter 3

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Celeste's POV

It was Saturday, so no classes were going on. I haven't seen Kyoko since that.. incident on Thursday. I missed seeing her though, and we didn't have each other's numbers yet. I made it my mission to go find her.

I got dressed and put my pigtails on, making sure I looked extra good so she'd forget about that night.

I left my room and started down the hall to her room.

I was almost to her room when Hina's door opened. She spotted me and ran over.

"Hey Celeste!" She grinned. "We haven't talked much."

"No," I agreed. "We haven't."

"Wanna come and eat lunch in the cafeteria with me and Sakura?" She bounced up and down excitedly. I looked past her at Kyoko's door, but I felt guilty saying no to Hina when she asked me so innocently.

"Sure," I said, a sweet smile on my face. She pumped her fist and shouted, "Yes! Meet us down there at lunchtime!"

Maybe I'll have time to talk to Kyoko before lunch. I walked up to her door and took a breath before knocking.

She answered the door almost immediately.

"C-Celeste?" She looked surprised to see me.

"Hello Kyoko," I said. "I wanted to apologize for that.. awkward situation you found me in Thursday evening."

"It-it's alright," she said, still looking at me questioningly.

"No, it was very inappropriate of me to be acting like that at all," I continued. I don't want Kyoko to know about Taeko. Ever.

"It's really fine, you thought you were alone," she said. "I was the one who barged into your personal space."

Just as I was about to refute her again, Sakura came up to me and said, "I'm heading to meet Hina. You can come with me. Kyoko can come too if she wants."

"Alright, I'll be on my way in a moment." Sakura started walking away. "Kyoko, would you like to come to lunch with me?"


Hina, Sakura, Kyoko, and I were all sitting at a cafeteria table together eating our lunches.

"I got you a donut," Sakura said to Aoi.

"Yay!" Hina grabbed it out of her hands and shoved it into her mouth. "I wof donus!"

She finally swallowed it and threw her arms around Sakura. "By the way, me and Sakura are dating!"

"Oh," Kyoko said. "How sweet."

"Lovely!" I said. They met so recently! I'm surprised they're dating already. I guess it's easy with someone as outgoing as Hina.

We all decided to go for a walk after eating, and it was nice and sunny out.

Hina grabbed Sakura's big hand and started skipping along. I glanced over at Kyoko, and her shiny hair looked so pretty in the sunlight. She met my eyes and smiled slightly. I blushed and looked away. Why does my chest feel so tight?


Later when we all parted, we all went to our own rooms. I sat on my bed and just thought.

I've never really labeled my sexuality, but it's definitely not straight. I don't think I'll ever date a boy again. I have before, but that was a regrettable experience.

I've also dated a girl or 2, but obviously, they didn't work out. It's been a while, and I hadn't missed it, but seeing Hina and Sakura, and Kyoko in general, makes me miss it.

Why is it Kyoko?


Kyoko's POV

I see how Celeste looks at me. Something must be going on in that complex mind of hers.

It was another day we were studying together, this time in my room. She looked around and said, "The purple is nice."

As we were quizzing each other, I kept noticing her staring at me. She's so hopeless.

"I might go get tea later, would you care to join me?" Celeste asked, accent thick.

"Sure," I replied. I could go for some tea. We finished our homework and she started gathering her things.

"How about 6:00?" She asked. It was 4:00 right now, so I had about 2 hours to be alone.

"That works for me," I agreed. Celestia's eyes lingered on mine for an extra second as she softly waved goodbye. She shut the door as I blushed and slowly sat on my bed.


Celeste's POV

I flopped down on my bed, my act threatening to come apart. It was so hard to live a lie around Kyoko.

I think I'm in love with her.

I got myself ready and my heart started fluttering. I calmed myself down and put on the mask I call Celestia and walked to Kyoko's dorm.

She answered the door quickly when I knocked. She braided her hair while we were alone and it looked beautiful. I smiled sweetly at her and we started to the cafe.

She got a table and I went to order for us. I got us both teas I think we'd like. i know nothing abt tea

I couldn't help myself from staring at Kyoko anymore. She was just gorgeous. Now that I've come to terms with my feelings, I can't stop them.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at me quizzically.

I shook my head. "Just lost in thought." A few more minutes went on like that until Kyoko broke the silence.

"I'm surprised Aoi and Sakura are already dating," she commented.

"Me as well," I replied. "We've all kind of just met."

"Do you have anyone you could like?" Kyoko looked at me intently. I couldn't help but shudder under her gaze. Get ahold of yourself!

"I-I," my accent faltered.

Kyoko softly smiled.

"If my detective skills aren't failing me, I'd think the answer would be me."

Idk What to Name This - CelesgiriNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ