Chapter 20

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Celeste's POV

"What are you going to do with me?"

It had been over 12 hours since I was locked in this basement. Steve Crolly must still care about me some because he came with bread and water every once in a while. The whole time that he was there, which wasn't very long each time, I tried to get answers out of him.

When I was going to get breakfast this morning, I was basically kidnapped. I had decided to leave the school for breakfast, get something a little bit nicer. When I was out, I was suddenly jumped and some guys grabbed me and I assumed they used chloroform to knock me out because I woke up in an empty room. I was confused and scared, but it made sense when that bastard Crolly came in.

"What do you want from me?" I asked calmly the first time he came in.

"I want you to pay for what you did to me," was the only answer I got before the second time.


"How am I supposed to 'pay'?" I asked.

"You can either give me back what you stole or stay here, your choice."

"I won everything fair and square!" I exclaimed. I was just thinking about how ridiculous this was. I am 18 years old for God's sake!


The third time, I didn't want to see him. I was deep in thought about my predicament. Should I give in? It wouldn't be that much for me to lose besides my dignity, but Kyoko had to be worried by now. She was probably on her way to find me, right? I was definitely not scared whatsoever. When I woke up, I had immediately checked for my phone, but my purse was nowhere to be found.

Steve Crolly was finally in for the fourth time, and my stomach was starting to grumble because I was refusing his food and drink. If anything I would hunger-strike, and he could be charged with murder or something. He came up to me, and I finally decided to get a good look at him after 3 years. By now he was probably in his mid-thirties, and his dark hair was balding slightly. He got up close to my face and it took everything in me to not flinch when his alcohol-smelling breath reached my nose.

"Y'know," he sneered, leaning in super close. "There could be another way you could help pay me back."

I didn't know what to do when I suddenly heard a click and the sound of a knife. My eyes popped down to Crolly's neck, which was now threatened by a glove-held, sharp knife. I hopefully trailed my eyes to the source and I felt so relieved when I saw Kyoko now holding this man's arms. She pulled him away from me and I slid away from the wall I was leaning against.

Kyoko kicked Crolly to the ground and said quietly, "Leave her alone."

I started to get teary-eyed and went to stand by the door while Kyoko called the police. Right before she pressed call, Crolly got up and hit the phone out of her hand. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Kyoko. I wanted to scream but knew it'd be better if I didn't do anything.

I eyed the phone on the ground, just a few feet away from me. Crolly wasn't paying much attention to me, so I quickly grabbed the phone and pressed dial.

"Shit!" He yelled. When he was distracted by the ringing phone, Kyoko pointed the gun down, surprising Crolly and causing him to pull the trigger. The bullet bounced the other way. She pulled the gun out of his hand and pointed it at him.

"Put your hands up and get on the ground," Kyoko said forcefully. He did as told and we waited for the police.

i'm gonna pretend that it was fine for her to go on a detective case without it even being reported LMAO

When police arrived, they took us all to the station for questions and things like that before locking Steve Crolly up for kidnapping and scamming.

"Are you girls hurt at all?" asked an officer back at the station.

"No," I said, glancing at Kyoko. She did get hit a couple of times, but I don't think she'll say anything.

"No." Just like I thought.

"Well, as long as you're safe," the police said, "you can head back to school."

"Thanks, officer," Kyoko said. He tipped his hat and we walked out.

Right as we left, I hugged Kyoko. She hugged me back and we stayed like that for at least a couple of minutes.

"Thank you," I said as a tear slipped down my face.

"Of course," Kyoko squeezed me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just hungry," I said as we pulled apart.

"Did you eat all day?" Kyoko asked. I shook my head, so Kyoko took my hand and brought me to the nearest place to eat, which was a coffee shop. She ordered me 2 bagels and some tea for both of us.

"I'm really glad you're ok," Kyoko said, looking into my eyes.

"Me too."

ig this is the end? I SUCK AT ENDING STORIES FNKSK i do have a special chapter written tho so that might happen

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