Chapter 14

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dam papa u a rare breed, no compareen, and its muthufuckin scary, tryna keep him cuz i found im, let a ho kno, i aint muthafuckin shareen

also this is superrr short bc I didn't really know what else to write ;-;

Kyoko's POV

Today was the day Celeste and I leave her parent's house. I don't think it went terribly, Celeste just doesn't have the best relationship with them. I can say the same about my dad.

Her parents haven't really said anything about Stella and Celeste's outburst, and Stella was back to her antisocial self. 

"Let's finish packing," Celeste said. "I don't want us to be here longer than we have to be." 

I nodded and finished folding a shirt.

"Are you going to sneak out Grand Bois?" I asked. Celeste nodded, looking fondly at the fat cat asleep on her bed.

We brought our bags out to the limo in advance before going to eat our last lunch here.

"Did you girls have a nice time here?" Celeste's dad asked.

I nodded, saying, "Yes, thank you Mr. Lu- I mean Yasuhiro."

He nodded and continued to eat.

"It was nice meeting you, Stella," I said to her.

She looked up to say, "Same."

After lunch, we got up to say our goodbyes.

Celeste hugged and kissed her mom and dad, saying their 'farewells' and 'I love you's.

"Goodbye, Stella," Celeste said. "You can always text me if you want to talk."

"I love you," Stella gave Celeste a quick but meaningful hug and even gave me a hug.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," I said. "I'm very grateful."

"Anything for our Taeko's friends," Celeste's mom said. We loaded into the limo while waving to the family. We started driving away, and as we turned the corner, Celeste let out a long sigh.

"My goodness," she said, rubbing her face. "Finally that stress is leaving."

I rubbed her leg in comfort.

"It was nice to finally meet your family," I said.

"Yeah, hopefully it will be a while until it has to happen again." Celeste opened a pet carrier holding Grand Bois and pet him.

"All I have to do is come out to my dad and tell him I have a girlfriend and we'll be home free," I said with a sarcastic laugh. 

"Well, we can save that for another time."


Finally, we were back in Celeste's dorm. Unpacking, or throwing things around, was going well. Grand Bois Cheri was settling in nicely, already asleep. 

"I think we should relax for the last bit of break," I said.

"Of course," Celeste smiled. "Whatever you'd like." 

sorry its short its basically just the end of this 'arc'

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