Chapter 4

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Kyoko's POV

I knew she liked me. But do I like her?

After I asked if she liked me, she kind of just nodded, her super classy manner kind of draining. I didn't want to leave her without an answer, so I told her I'd have to think and sort out my feelings. After that she just kind of nodded again, and we decided to part ways for the night.

I got to my dorm and sat on my bed. That's when it really hit me. A girl liked me. A hot one for that matter. I don't have very much relationship experience, so I don't even know how good I'd be. But I guess everyone has to start somewhere.

I took a shower and put on my comfiest pajamas before getting into bed. I barely got any sleep because my mind was overflowing.


Celeste's POV

I stared in the mirror at myself. Or rather, at Celestia Ludenberg. I know that in my head I'll always be Taeko Yasuhiro, no matter how hard I try to get rid of her. The whole reason I came to this school was to escape my old identity that was latched on with my family. Here I could be who I wanted and no one would ever have to know. But now that I've met her, all I want to do is spill out all of my feelings. But that would be the exact opposite of my goals. Of course, she doesn't like me back. Nobody could like someone like me.

I gripped the countertop, my bare, ugly face and uneven hair without my drills angering me. Panicky tears ran down my face. I couldn't let these feelings get to me. I had to cover them up.

At last, I pulled on my pajamas, the silk feeling nice against my freshly 'shaven' legs.

I went to sleep.


I woke up for school, trying to act as normal as possible. I put my hair in, put my dress and makeup on, and took a deep breath. I don't have any classes with Kyoko, so I can avoid her all day if I'm lucky.

I talked to a girl named Sonia about crime at lunch? But after that, I went back to my room and did my homework.

I heard a knock. Fuck.

I went to open the door, my signature smile plastered on my face.

"Celeste, we need to talk." Kyoko walked into my room without invitation and sat on my bed.

I nervously sat down beside her. "Ok."

"I thought through all of last night. I could barely sleep," Kyoko admitted.

I nodded.

"But I've come to a conclusion of my feelings," she said. My heart raced as I awaited her answer.

"I like you too."

My head basically exploded as my heart blew up and my skin went hot. On the outside, I smiled with a head tilt.

"That's nice!" I said. But it was getting hard to act so nonchalantly.

Kyoko nodded slowly, looking away, waiting for something to happen.

I took her gloved hands in my cold ones and looked at her in the eyes. I couldn't help it, Taeko had to come out.

"I'm so happy," I said genuinely, my accent almost completely dropping.

Kyoko's eyes widened, and she slowly squeezed my hands back.

"Your accent," she muttered. She looked deep in thought for a moment. I quickly changed the subject by kissing her hands.

"I just meant it means a lot to me you feel the same way," I said, my accent back better than ever. Kyoko looked slightly confused but then smiled.

"Me too."

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