Chapter 13

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Celeste's POV

Finally, it was time to go to sleep. My parents did insist we slept in separate rooms, to my disappointment. I put on my silky pajamas and got under the covers. I tossed and turned for a while before hearing a creaking noise. I looked over and in the darkness, I saw Kyoko coming through her door.

"Celeste?" She whispered. I sat up and replied, "What?"

"I can't sleep."

"I can't either." I beckoned Kyoko over to me and pulled her onto my bed. I covered us up to protect us from the winter cold and we wrapped our arms around each other. I held her cheek and pulled her in for a nice kiss.

"I'm sorry my parents are so dramatic," I said, petting Kyoko's hair like normal.

"It's ok, they're parents, a lot of them react like that," Kyoko replied, snuggling into me.

I glanced at the clock: 12:09.

"Merry Christmas," I whispered.

"Merry Christmas," Kyoko whispered back.

We cuddled lovingly until we both fell asleep.


In the morning, we were woken up by a knock on our door. Kyoko jumped out of my bed and I got up to open the door.

"Merry Christmas, Taeko," my mom said. "And you, Kyoko."

"Merry Christmas," we both said.

We followed her out to the living room, all to see a huge tree with a few presents. Last night Kyoko and I put our presents for each other under it as well.

"Honey, you can go first," my mom said, talking to my dad.

He took a box from my mom and opened it. It was a new pair of loafers.

"Thank you."

After exchanging a few more gifts, the family went to the dining room to eat breakfast. I held Kyoko back to give her her gift. I handed her a nice velvet box and she took it, confused.

She opened it and gasped, saying, "Oh wow Celeste, it's beautiful." It was a necklace with the letter C, and I had one with the letter K.

"I know it's sappy, but it's something you can always have to think about me," I laughed sheepishly.

"No, it's great," Kyoko said. "Thank you."

I nodded with a smile as she handed me her gift.

I unwrapped it to reveal a finger accessory similar to the one I already wear.

"I thought you could use a new one," Kyoko said. "N-not that yours is bad or anything, you've just had it for a while..."

"Thank you!" I said. "Mine has been getting small, and some of it is a bit bent. I love it."

We hugged before we went to eat breakfast.

As I ate I thought: The trip hasn't been too bad, right? My parents didn't react too badly, they're just annoying. I still want Stella to talk to them. I got much happier when I stopped being their slave.

I looked at Stella and we locked eyes. I nodded my head a bit to encourage her. She sighed nervously and said, "Mom, Dad, I wanna tell you something."

"What is it, angel?" Asked my mom.

"I want to be an artist," Stella said. "Not a doctor or whatever."

"Honey, no you don't," laughed my mom.

Stella looked at me for help.

"Mom, this is the same reason I left," I said. "We aren't your puppets."

"We never said a thing like that," my dad said angrily.

"Then why can't she do what she wants to do?" I asked.

"We just don't want her to waste her potential," my mom said.

"Have you even seen her art or anything? You don't even know her potential." I got up and stormed to my room. Kyoko's eyes widened and she quickly hurried to follow me.

I went into my room and stood there waiting for Kyoko. She came in and shut the door, coming up to me.

"Celeste-" she said before I turned around with tears on my cheeks.

"Oh, baby," Kyoko said sadly, wrapping her arms around me.

"I don't even know why I care so much," I said. "I haven't even talked to Stella in over a year."

"Do you see yourself in her?" Kyoko asked, gently rocking me back and forth as we were hugging.

I thought about it. I guess I do. She's feeling trapped and wants out, just like I did.

"Yes, I just don't want her to go through what I went through."

"She's smart, she'll figure something out," Kyoko said. "We're leaving soon anyway, right?"

I sniffed and said, "Yes, tomorrow."

"Hey," Kyoko said suddenly. "Is that your cat?"

I quickly spun around to see Grand Bois Cheri. I almost tripped to get to him. He jumped into my arms with a meow.

"Oh, how I missed you," I said, scratching his chin. He started purring.

"Aw," Kyoko said, reaching out to let Grand? sniff her hand. He hissed. also why does grand bois cheri translate to 'big darling wood'

"He'll get used to you," I said. "He's just mean at first."

Later after I calmed down a bit Kyoko and I went back to the living room.

Dad was reading the newspaper, Mom was sewing, and Stella was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello Taeko," said my mom.

"Hello," I replied. Kyoko and I sat by the window, watching the snow fall with the warm fire crackling.

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